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player played a bomb card with no bomb card: 2023-01-03 18:10:57

Level 61

in a game my oponnent just played a bomb card before we got it (we are at 8/9 parts)

how is this possible?


Edited 1/3/2023 18:12:53
player played a bomb card with no bomb card: 2023-01-03 18:12:42

Level 62
post the game link, perhaps you didn't capture a territory in 1 of the turns and thus didn't earn a bomb card piece. or possibly the card pieces are weighted and there is luck to earning certain card types per turn.

EDIT: okay I see your link now, you get bomb card on turn 6. you start with 4 pieces, so if you capture a territory in all first 5 turns, you will have bomb card turn 6

Edited 1/3/2023 18:14:29
player played a bomb card with no bomb card: 2023-01-03 18:13:54

Level 63
You failed to capture a territory in a turn where you opponent didn't fail.
Or the game gives out more card pieces per turn than the number of different cards in the game, resulting in random card pieces being given, where you just got unlucky.

Can you perhaps link the game so we can have a look at the settings? (If you dont know how to do this, copy the browser url, or go Game > Settings > Full Settings > Link [click to copy] if you're on the app.)
player played a bomb card with no bomb card: 2023-01-03 18:14:09

Level 62
link the game once it ends maybe? likely one on your team didn't conquer a territory in one turn making you one piece behind.
player played a bomb card with no bomb card: 2023-01-03 18:16:04

Level 61
oh. so, you dont get a piece if you dont get a territory?
player played a bomb card with no bomb card: 2023-01-03 18:16:37

Level 62
player played a bomb card with no bomb card: 2023-01-03 18:16:41

Level 62
nope, I'm impressed you made it to level 59 without knowing. you learn something every day, eh?
player played a bomb card with no bomb card: 2023-01-03 18:18:30

Level 63
indeed, you only get card pieces if you capture at least 1 territory

for team games, this means applies to each player, so if 2 teammates both capture a territory, the team with get 2 times as much pieces

(note that capturing a territory of your own teammate doesnt count for this, since a teammate isnt an enemy)
player played a bomb card with no bomb card: 2023-01-03 18:19:48

Level 61
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