(It's pending public, give it some time to be accepted before saying it's not there. For now, a screenshot will have to do:
A new map, just made it public. What do you think about it? I'm not sure if Ulster (north) is balanced well enough. It was 5/3/2 (north/south/all), but then it was overpowered, south (and thus +5) was too easy to get in one turn.
Also, what do you think about round bonus links? (I hope Randy won't decline map outright because of this.)
For curious ones, map was made by loading blank Ireland map from Wikipedia to Inkscape, converting it to paths using built-in function, then cleaned up, converted to black, thick outline (
http://imgur.com/Udhls.png), then autotraced as centerlines using
http://www.roitsystems.com/cgi-bin/autotrace/tracer.pl. Then I filled the resulting outlines using Inkscape's built-in fill tool and cleaned it up manually all again. In other words, magic.