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Fizzer AMA on Thursday, Feb 2nd: 2023-01-31 23:59:22

Level 64

Warzone Creator
I'll be doing an ask-me-anything on Thursday, February 2nd at noon pacific time. See this link for the time in your local timezone: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=2023-03-02+noon+PST

The stream will be viewable here: https://www.twitch.tv/FizzerWL

If you can't make the livestream, feel free to post questions in this thread and I'll post the video when it's over. Hope to see you there!

EDIT: It's over! You can watch the recording here: https://youtu.be/Q29lEvWUm08?t=705

Edited 2/3/2023 01:22:47
Fizzer AMA on Thursday, Feb 2nd: 2023-02-01 05:02:49

Master Ryiro 
Level 63
can you make it so that latest chat comes in front when loading previous chat messages?
and loading older chat on scroll like a piped stream instead of dividing it in pages?
Fizzer AMA on Thursday, Feb 2nd: 2023-02-01 05:48:23

Level 60
how long do you plan to live to keep this game running, do you have contingency plans for the games if anything happens to you
Fizzer AMA on Thursday, Feb 2nd: 2023-02-01 05:56:19

Level 61
I would like to get your thoughts on this list of potential improvements.

An option to hide raffle related messages in Global chat and Idle requests in Clan chat. For Idle requests, if not to hide the requests completely, just not include them as an unread message.

Add Swiss-system tournaments.

Fix the unfair bye system in double elimination tournaments.
To explain, those who get a bye in 1st round of winners bracket and lose in the 2nd round, drop to the 2nd round of the losers bracket. There they can even get another bye to the 3rd round of losers.
Whereas, those who don’t get a bye and lose 1st round, drop to 1st round losers. They now have to win 2 games just to reach the dude who got to the 3rd round for free.

The results of games on templates identical to QM templates, but played in tournaments and open games, also effect your QM rating on those templates.

Line graphs to view the history and progression of QM and Ladder ratings.

Start QM ratings at a median rating and make the first few games worth more points so players can reach their actual rating quicker. In ELO terms, increase the “K-factor” for the first few games.

The ability to sort for all time best ratings on ladders, and a filter to also see the ratings of players who have enough unexpired games to appear on the ladder but aren’t accepting games.

Level, boot rate, and win rate prerequisites for open clans.

The ability to allow specific spectators to see through the fog of games.

On mobile, when tabs are enabled, tapping “yes” when the “This game has just advanced, would you like to view it” prompt comes up, opens up the game in a new tab. Same for clicking any links.

Edited 2/1/2023 06:07:03
Fizzer AMA on Thursday, Feb 2nd: 2023-02-01 08:29:46

Level 63
Could you add the online indicator/when a player was last seen to the forward invites page of tournaments?
Fizzer AMA on Thursday, Feb 2nd: 2023-02-01 08:59:52

Level 60
Amazing update! Love the tags for maps and mods xD

One thing I ran into is that nothing is really readable on a GameOrderEvent object. I know mods shouldn't rely on each other and I agree, but there are some cases in which it is needed to read some fields of the GameOrderEvent object.

For example, now that we can remove special units I wanted to make a mod that prevents players from losing their commanders (only those who would be deleted by mods) by spawning a new one for them on a connected territory, to keep the game fair. But this is currently impossible
Fizzer AMA on Thursday, Feb 2nd: 2023-02-01 09:03:36

Level 60
Another question, what are your plans regarding releasing more mods for non-members and may we know what (if there are any) the requirements are to have a mod available for anyone?

Also, great UI improvement! It is much better to see whether mods have errors without having to press that button in the previous version

Edited 2/1/2023 09:04:53
Fizzer AMA on Thursday, Feb 2nd: 2023-02-01 09:16:14

Level 60
And another, why not :)

What kind of mods should have the tag [#UI Only] in your opinion? The only mod I can think of is Essentials

Maybe change the tag to [#Menu controlled] or something, I think there is an better option for [#UI Only]

Edited 2/1/2023 09:21:30
Fizzer AMA on Thursday, Feb 2nd: 2023-02-01 09:26:33

Level 59
Do you have any plans to give map creators a list of games using their map(s) just like mod developers do now?

Will more tags for maps get added?

Is it possible for the "Show who is Online" feature to be displayed next to the players in real-time games. Especially in team games this could be a good indication if someone is there imo.

In update 5.22.2 you removed Facebook login, and share on Facebook, this means the achievement: "Shared on Facebook" can't be achieved anymore. Will this achievement still exist?
Fizzer AMA on Thursday, Feb 2nd: 2023-02-01 18:52:36

Level 60
Will you allows us to add custom tags or at least add to the list of tags? Some tags that might be useful that are missing include; Landria, Super-bonuses, Archipelago, Historical, etc.
Fizzer AMA on Thursday, Feb 2nd: 2023-02-01 19:26:16

Nice Guy 
Level 62
Amazing update!

When is CW matchmaking getting fixed?
Fizzer AMA on Thursday, Feb 2nd: 2023-02-01 19:41:04

Nice Guy 
Level 62
Few more random questions:

-> What is the tiebreaker for CW? We have discovered, that it is clan ID modulo either 128 or 256 (which changes haphazardly every season), which seems very strange & unfair.

-> Is it possible to add a setting that would allow attacking from gifted territories (the bug you fixed)? It could produce interesting templates for team CL games.

-> Ladders & Community Events should be updated. Furthermore, MTL is a ladder that can award you with a golden trophy and the results are displayed on your profile. Why not include it under WZ ladders?

-> We need more Fizzer plays streams.
Fizzer AMA on Thursday, Feb 2nd: 2023-02-01 19:48:38

Level 61
Will there be upgrades or new things in Idle? For example new levels or the super ascension levels being available just after completing Europe Huge?
Fizzer AMA on Thursday, Feb 2nd: 2023-02-01 20:12:16

Nice Guy 
Level 62
Will there be upgrades or new things in Idle? For example new levels or the super ascension levels being available just after completing Europe Huge?
Would be funny to add a level on Small Earth, but ramp up armies on neutrals && have almost every neutral have a building. Make the hardest level on the tutorial map.
Fizzer AMA on Thursday, Feb 2nd: 2023-02-01 20:33:15

Level 60
It seems like GameOrderCustom are not saved on the browser version when you haven't committed your orders yet and reload the page. Can you fix that? :)
Fizzer AMA on Thursday, Feb 2nd: 2023-02-01 20:48:35

Level 63
I will once again be at work. This being said, the community really wants new templates on clan war, or atleast an explanation why not. Have a good stream and a great day.
Fizzer AMA on Thursday, Feb 2nd: 2023-02-02 00:03:18

Level 62
Fizzer AMA on Thursday, Feb 2nd: 2023-02-02 00:15:23

0zark Girl
Level 57
when is CW matchmaking getting fixed
Fizzer AMA on Thursday, Feb 2nd: 2023-02-02 00:32:23

Level 57
as avid clan war participant i am eagerly waiting additional templates for clan war, please

-- tacky
Fizzer AMA on Thursday, Feb 2nd: 2023-02-02 12:30:07

Level 58
Just read all the way through the thread below:

1. Do you think the clan war system is perfect? If so, why deny a revamp or change?
2. Should we have some changes made to promote new scenarios, for example, clearing quickmatch scenarios?
3. Can you please revamp the custom scenario maker, being as cursed as it is?
4. Put grover's cafe to the community tab. I beg you.
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