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Discussion: worst feature: 2023-02-04 20:24:27

Glory to Czechland
Level 55
What is the worst Warzone feature?

Edited 2/4/2023 20:28:31
Discussion: worst feature: 2023-02-04 20:25:35

Level 62
The unsorted dig list in idle and that the list always scrolls up to the top when you open a dig site.
Discussion: worst feature: 2023-02-04 20:28:05

Level 60
Phase 3 Advancements - no usefull advancements to speed up level clear speed. Basically you have to choose something just to dump AP to get to Phase 4.

Edited 2/4/2023 20:28:51
Discussion: worst feature: 2023-02-04 20:29:21

Level 65
Has to be the clan cap which makes the game so unfair.
Discussion: worst feature: 2023-02-04 20:29:51

Level 62
That there is no setting to fix your chosen set of QM templates. When new templates come in, you unlock them and they are auto-enabled.
Discussion: worst feature: 2023-02-04 20:31:17

Level 63
The thing that frustrates me every day is that i have to scroll past a long list of empty merc camps to find the ones i just captured.
Discussion: worst feature: 2023-02-04 20:32:07

Level 60
"Invite me to multi-day games" option turned on by default.
Probably the most common issue addressed by new players.
Discussion: worst feature: 2023-02-04 20:32:18

Level 60
The worst thing is that they never close. I sure am sleepy some mornings.
Discussion: worst feature: 2023-02-04 20:55:42

Level 60
Unable to undock/move the History player.
Discussion: worst feature: 2023-02-04 21:47:18

Level 59
Worst in terms of broadest adverse impact? I think the biggest dent in conversion/satisfaction comes from how QM handles templates. Once a player gets to QM, imo it should not be as unlikely as it is today for them to get to 100 games and join the long tail of account longevity:

But the UX of QM, both what 5s mentioned (users often don't know why they're getting those MD games! this has been a known issue since the dawn of QM!), how QM manages templates (auto-unlock, even when it's just due to a template entering the rotation, meaning you frequently get games you don't want if you don't know what you're doing), and how QM matchmakes you (which can get brutal for noobs, the first SEAD game can suck!) inflicts imo a lot of avoidable user pain.

Imo a noob-focused UX for QM would be low-lift, high-reward for this site in terms of account retention (and, I'm saying this off of vibes without seeing the finances, but good chance this also improves monetization). It's in the site's best interest to minimize the degree to which players who've just started exploring multiplayer but don't really understand the game wind up in confusing matches they didn't ask for against players they're not prepared to face on templates they don't really enjoy playing. A training wheels experience that substitutes for what we currently have organically- players helping players at the very early stages, or players sticking around through a lot of pain through tenacity and boredom until they get the hang of the game- could go a long way. From my POV, QM template management- making it easy for players to:
1) stay on SEAD until they get the mechanics figured out (no auto-unlock that confuses you by throwing you into SE1W or the esoteric templates, when you're at like a 30% wr on SEAD!)
2) learn the game, or at least learn SEAD, with a lot more handholding than they get on the Tutorial

could go a long way. The site's directionally moving toward (2) - like with the highlighted minimum armies for an attack to succeed - so (1) is what I'll use this soapbox to whinge about.
Discussion: worst feature: 2023-02-04 21:48:01

Level 57
worst feature is all the complaining by the playerbase

(just kidding)

the worst feature is making coins worthless
Discussion: worst feature: 2023-02-04 21:49:49

Level 59
Imo coins aren't generally worthless anymore b/c of idle and premium colors and coin tournaments for clan recruitment. But I'm curious, Sora- what would make you buy coins?
Discussion: worst feature: 2023-02-04 21:52:41

Level 57
if i could deposit them in my bank account. :)
Discussion: worst feature: 2023-02-04 21:53:14

Level 57
yes they are worth lots of premium features, short cuts, etc, but coins use to be worth real money.
Discussion: worst feature: 2023-02-04 23:51:30

Level 63
Deploying last army moving to attack/transfer phase. Phases should only be manually controlled. Not by automatically changing phases because users don't know how. It's stupid and counter-productive when there are hotkeys. imo if someone doesnt know how to change phase they should play the tutorial level and other sp levels until they know how to play.
Discussion: worst feature: 2023-02-05 00:00:24

Doctor K 
Level 62
I come, but bearing solutions, not gripes.

First solution to idle gripes like this:
The thing that frustrates me every day is that i have to scroll past a long list of empty merc camps to find the ones i just captured.

I just captured it now, where was it... ? Where was that thing?

A scrollable list of idle actions would fix this. It would look kind of like like the "Orders" list, except the data would be the list of actions, things captured, sold, etc. It would be nice and handy to see what the last 30 things that happened. Or infinite scroll. Whatever. Selectable, clickable, linked action list so you can call up that recently captured arena, or mine, or whatever.

Edited 2/5/2023 00:00:47
Discussion: worst feature: 2023-02-05 01:03:13

Level 65
"That there is no setting to fix your chosen set of QM templates. When new templates come in, you unlock them and they are auto-enabled."

Was this just changed?

I got a new one and its not selected.
Or maybe its another reason.

Anyway would be great if its not autoselected yes :)

*edit* nevermind still there. Refreshed page and everything. Didnt see it. started a game.
Got that new shittemplate.

Edited 2/5/2023 01:07:06
Discussion: worst feature: 2023-02-05 01:56:01

Doctor K 
Level 62
"Anyway would be great if its not autoselected yes :)"

Send your vote for this uservoice. Solves the problem. You see the templates before you click play.

Discussion: worst feature: 2023-02-05 06:32:32

Level 65
I think the biggest impact was caused by failure to install a money betting system that can be used for profit by top players, effectively ruining incentive to improve to a very high level which games like chess, poker and all successful online games do. This was already caused by the ridiculous coin tax of 10% per game (nothing beyond 2% I can imagine to be acceptable for anyone who tries to make profit), and was only finalized by stopping coin withdrawals.
Discussion: worst feature: 2023-02-05 19:08:40

Level 64
>The unsorted dig list in idle

The dig site list is sorted by dig cost, cheaper first. If you're talking about the fact there are no sorting options, then I agree, there should be, but your claim suggests that it's a randomly ordered list, when it's not
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