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mystery features, what can they be?: 2023-02-18 21:19:15

Level 59
today i discovered that you can select multiple orders and move them up and down all at once (with shift and ctrl)

there are .... several basic features in this game that are surprisingly hard to notice. it's surely related to how you play the game for a long time before you get skill enough to want to use those features

you can also
- use the teammate's orders button to sequence orders without having to chat every one of them
- use the move orders button in a no-luck cycle game to check what the move order is

it is really alarming to me how it happened that i did not notice these things yet wanted them for so looong

Edited 3/6/2023 18:16:28
mystery features, what can they be?: 2023-02-19 01:44:38

Nice Guy 
Level 62
mystery features, what can they be?: 2023-02-19 01:49:04

Level 63
Some in https://www.warzone.com/wiki/Load_tips. A few years ago when the game was in Flash it would give you tips while the game loaded. Now it doesn’t.

There’s also https://www.warzone.com/wiki/Hotkeys.

Edited 2/19/2023 02:00:07
mystery features, what can they be?: 2023-02-19 01:55:39

Level 59
i am mystified, kallisti. what is this magic.
mystery features, what can they be?: 2023-02-19 02:01:48

Level 63
If you want non-built-in features there’s https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/8936-tidy-up-your-dashboard , https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/390496-ujs-ported-luck-graphs and anything else using https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts?q=Warzone.com

All require a userscript extension such as Tampermonkey to be installed on your browser to be installed/run.

Other hidden features like mods also exist, most require membership if you want to create a game with them.

Edited 2/19/2023 02:05:11
mystery features, what can they be?: 2023-02-19 02:18:33

Level 59
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