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Feature request regarding Mercenary Camps: 2023-02-23 19:00:22

Level 64
In Idle, when a Dig Site has been used, it disappears off the map. Can the same thing be done with Mercenary Camps once there are no more armies there to purchase? Or is there some way that they re-populate that I've missed?
Feature request regarding Mercenary Camps: 2023-02-23 19:49:21

bliss machine
Level 62
would be good for all the little icons to disappear when used
Feature request regarding Mercenary Camps: 2023-02-23 19:56:42

Level 63
i find them especially annoying in the long list of merc camps, it would be great if they would be hidden from there, or at least have the empty camps go to the bottom of the list
Feature request regarding Mercenary Camps: 2023-03-09 20:02:11

Level 52
I don't really care about the map icons, but removing/collapsing/reordering the list in the army tab would be great. It gets really cluttered in the larger maps but there's no reason to keep them listed after being emptied.
Feature request regarding Mercenary Camps: 2023-03-15 09:51:56

Level 63
yep, it gets really tiring to scroll down a long list of empty camps just to buy a few merc to get to the next cache
Feature request regarding Mercenary Camps: 2023-03-15 09:53:37

Level 58
I dont want icoins removed.

Making it easier to find camps with mercs in the list would be nice though.
Feature request regarding Mercenary Camps: 2023-03-15 09:55:17

Level 63
and if removing them from the list is too much of a hassle (cause collapsable lists is not implemented for any building in idle yet), sort them so that the empty camps end up below the full camps
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