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Mods in community levels?: 2023-03-13 20:44:43

waffle 1.0 
Level 56
I have noticed that while there are options to make modded games for yourself in singleplayer, or for other members (or once a week, for everyone) in multiplayer, there is no such option for community levels. I think it's a shame that there isn't any option for it right now, not even as levels playable to members-only, or one that costs coins to play and/or create.

It seems there's already an uservoice thread for it by DanWL from 5 years ago, so I'll link it here:

I understand that modded games are significantly more resource-intensive than unmodded ones, but I hope there's at least consideration towards making modded community levels a thing. Could also be good publicity for non-members who mainly play singleplayer to be allowed to play a modded level once in a while, and/or after paying a fee (similar to how opening multiplayer modded games to non-members works at the moment), who then could consider buying a membership just to play around in singleplayer with mods at will (which is part of the reason why I purchased one).
Mods in community levels?: 2023-03-14 01:29:16

Level 63
The entire processing of mods in single player games is done on the client (your device, not the Warzone servers) so there isn’t a technical reason not to allow.
Mods in community levels?: 2023-03-14 01:44:22

waffle 1.0 
Level 56
Yeah, I've heard the same from JK_3 in global chat. That makes it even weirder why it is not an option. Surely it would allow for even more creativity from level makers and benefit the single player community?
Mods in community levels?: 2023-03-14 23:39:41

Level 60
1. Make level with mod.
2. Mod changes.
3. Level is not beatable anymore.

I think it would be fun, but then warzone/the singel player level would need to include a copy or reference to the potential old version of the mod. Or have a separate "singel player mod" system. It is probably a solvable problem, but not sure what direction fizzer wants to go here - if any. Avoiding unbeatable levels is probably a requirement through.

PS. What mods do you think would work best for SP levels? Or is this about wanting to create very custom senarios using lua (which, is what I think would be fun)

Edited 3/14/2023 23:41:42
Mods in community levels?: 2023-03-15 08:03:04

Nice Guy 
Level 62
Mod which lets you show a text box, win/ lose the game, or modify territory owner/ army count when a trigger is triggered. Triggers could be slot elimination, territory changing owner, turn number.
Mods in community levels?: 2023-03-15 09:56:20

Level 63
Thats a good point you bring up there TBest, but given that Fizzer also tracks map versions, I'm sure he could also do the same for mod versions.

Tho mods currently not having an official version system is probably why it cant be allowed yet.
Mods in community levels?: 2023-03-15 12:35:31

Level 60
Iirc the main reason why mods cannot be used for community levels is that mods can break quite easily, and when a mod breaks, the level becomes unplayable.

Also mods can get an update which can completely change the level. Having a version number for mods can fix this, but I still think that Fizzer is afraid of allowing mods to be used for community levels since he doesn't have full control over them.
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