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Forced vote to end settings option: 2023-03-18 13:54:25

Level 60
I dunno if this has ever been discussed or anything, like I don't know if this is a unique idea or if others have brought it up in the past but...

What if there is an option in the Create Game settings where if a certain amount of players vote to end it the game ends? Like for example 5 out of 6 players in a game vote to end the game will just end without requiring the final person's vote?

This could save time when a player is being a jerk and wants a cheap win and none of the other players in the game want to support that person....

Another problem I sometimes run into is players attempting to stall a clearly lost game, but I guess autopilot and in some cases blacklisting exists for that.
Forced vote to end settings option: 2023-03-18 15:03:32

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
That would a great idea for a mod.
That sounds like a perfect suggestion to UserVoice.
Forced vote to end settings option: 2023-03-18 15:05:40

Level 61
The only issue I see with it is it being abused by losing players in a match to not lose when there is a clear winner.
Forced vote to end settings option: 2023-03-18 15:10:29

Roi Joleil
Level 60
It would also make it impossible to win as whoever loses just Votes to End.
Forced vote to end settings option: 2023-03-18 15:11:23

Level 61
Depending on the number of players required, it seems it would work best in team games.
Forced vote to end settings option: 2023-03-18 15:34:27

Level 63
That would a great idea for a mod.

Yep. its been on my todo list since last year, i planned to do it the Christmas holidays, but sadly failed :(
Forced vote to end settings option: 2023-03-18 15:56:26

Level 60
"It would also make it impossible to win as whoever loses just Votes to End."

I think surrendered players should be able to nullify the mechanic so this wouldn't really be an issue
Forced vote to end settings option: 2023-03-20 09:44:50

Level 63
Forced VTE mod is now pending public, I expect it to be approved soon.

With regards to the losers forcing the winner to VTE, please just dont be assholes to each other?

EDIT: Mod has been approved :)

Edited 3/20/2023 09:56:11
Forced vote to end settings option: 2023-03-20 11:04:56

Level 63
can we please add vote to end to coin games. no reason this is not done yet
Forced vote to end settings option: 2023-03-20 11:18:24

Level 60
then where the coins go
Forced vote to end settings option: 2023-03-20 11:29:34

Level 63
back to game creator, this is important. i understand why originally you could not vote to end, since you were investing money, but now we should definitely have the freedom to vote to end broken games.
Forced vote to end settings option: 2023-03-20 11:30:21

Level 60
Forced vote to end settings option: 2023-03-20 12:02:58

Level 57
That doesn't sound like a great idea because, as discussed above, losers could vote to end the game to avoid losing when a winner wishes to continue.
Forced vote to end settings option: 2023-03-20 12:04:41

Level 61

Then the stronger player just do not vote to end and the game will continue
Forced vote to end settings option: 2023-03-20 12:26:57

Level 64
If 1 player doesn't need to vote, it's easy to eliminate a certain win by voting from all others...that doesn't sound foolproof to me...

Either voting should be done by 100% of the players or there should be a way to eliminate the option to take a clear win from someone by a functional calculation or something.
F.e. if someone has more than let's say 40% of the armies/territories in a 4 FFA, than a vote should not automatically result in no winner, but the win could be claimed by the 1 player not voting. Or the option to vote and end should not exist if 1 player is in calculation much stronger than the others...

Edited 3/20/2023 12:30:00
Forced vote to end settings option: 2023-03-20 12:30:52

Level 60
What about VTE being decided by APT in light and no fog games?
Forced vote to end settings option: 2023-03-20 12:40:51

Level 63
F.e. if someone has more than let's say 40% of the armies/territories in a 4 FFA, than a vote should not automatically result in no winner, but the win could be claimed by the 1 player not voting. Or the option to vote and end should not exist if 1 player is in calculation much stronger than the others...

A proper draw resolver is being worked on by others.

For now, the Force VTE mod is intended to mostly be used in diplo games and the like.
Since those games play by gentleman rules (e.g. only host boots, dont attack without declaring, etc), the potential cheating aspect to rob someone from a win is already present in the other non-enforce diplo rules.
As such, I'm not really worried about some rogue players eliminating winners.
Forced vote to end settings option: 2023-03-21 07:58:04

Level 58
This seems more like a "forced surrender" topic, than a "forced vote to end" topic? I don't believe that everything in the game mechanics makes too much sense there, like teammates having to accept your surrender or teammates with a pending surrender having to accept each others surrender,...

Perhaps a rule that that in team games if the majority of players from each individual team votes to end, it would make sense that the game is ended in a vote. But this opens up the question regarding teams with even amount of players and if an ffa, obviously each player would have to get treated as an individual team.

Anyhow, the vote to end option works as intended while not giving a favorable experience to all players every time. The surrender settings are nonsensical however.

Edited 3/21/2023 07:59:33
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