not that simple. every territory is possible - it really depends on the specific *combo* of 2+2 territories at game start.
I believe you still fail to see my point. Removing bad combos can affect other combos.
For illustration, assume you have a pool of one acceptable scenario, A has the first move:
This is fair, as A can move to Brazil 1st turn with whole income and the game is more or less even.
Now take a look at this scenario, B has the first move:
Fair. A can complete Africa, then A and B fight over North America.
However, when you consider both templates together, A has now a serious disadvantage. He doesn't know which distribution is which and has a 50% chance to lose the first turn from an incorrect guess. When he guesses correctly, he is in an even game. 25% winrate. Removing or adding a distribution changes balance of other distributions. Good luck finding your set of distributions.
Edited 3/24/2023 19:20:53