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Expansion of Warzone: 2023-03-26 06:58:17

Level 65
Do you believe this game can become a large success at some point, in a way that everyone knows it like Candy Crush or Clash of Clans? What would be necessary for that, in your opinion?
Expansion of Warzone: 2023-03-26 07:00:43

Level 20
Infinite people confusing it for Call of duty
Expansion of Warzone: 2023-03-26 07:03:46

Level 65
Publicity creates sponsors, sponsors create monetary rewards, monetary rewards create publicity, publicity crrates sponsors...
Expansion of Warzone: 2023-03-26 14:02:00

Level 56
change game name to warlight and we'll talk about it
Expansion of Warzone: 2023-03-26 14:02:34

Level 65
Solid idea, noone came up with this before
Expansion of Warzone: 2023-03-26 15:28:44

Level 60
the first thing warzone need is to solve its problem with newbie players
this image made by l4v.r0v and shows that no matter how much accounts created per day the number of games made per day doesn't increase, means the new accounts only play 1 or 2 game at most then abandon warzone forever

Edited 3/26/2023 15:59:46
Expansion of Warzone: 2023-03-26 15:34:08

Level 58
IMO Warzone has too many features which are holding it back from becoming a bigger success. If I don't grasp an online browser game within the first, let's say 1 minute, I'm gone.
Expansion of Warzone: 2023-03-26 16:01:42

Level 58
@rocky - totally agree. Biggest problem with WZ is setup/game environment totally rigged in favor of experienced/hard core players. new entrants are essentially served up as cheap cannonfodder for advanced/elite players (in large clans).
Expansion of Warzone: 2023-03-26 16:03:16

Level 65
That's a two-way street. Experienced players don't enjoy facing opponents where they don't need to try at all either. There is no fun in that.
Expansion of Warzone: 2023-03-26 16:04:19

Level 60
new entrants are essentially served up as cheap cannonfodder for advanced/elite players (in large clans)

May you please kindly elaborate on that and explain more?
Expansion of Warzone: 2023-03-26 16:06:40

Level 58
wz would need to become much more enticing to new and casual players.

key drivers/areas to improve are:
1. matchmaking. total joke in qm, idle arenas, cw. if no players at similar skill level available at specific moment, then player should be offered AI opponent with skill level matched.

target should be for new players to win first game for sure, then statistically 3 out of 4 next games, then 10 out of next 15.
Expansion of Warzone: 2023-03-26 16:11:21

Level 58
2. create a more level playing field
eg by offering "SEAD fair".

3. reduce clutter: no auto-enable of new templates, just pop up saying "new template unlocked, you can add it to your selection of templates whenever you want".

4. ofc no insidious auto-enable of coin games! i list coins in games before i even realized i was wagering coins. no warning, no pop up "are you sure"?

5. clan cap for all clans. 40 sounds goid, maybe 50 max. old clans could not recruit anyone new, before they cut down below cap.
Expansion of Warzone: 2023-03-26 16:15:02

Level 61
New players do not learn from guaranteed wins. They need to improve, otherwise they are still getting beaten quite easily

Edited 3/27/2023 06:46:19
Expansion of Warzone: 2023-03-26 16:16:14

Level 58
5S - see my points above.

when i create a new account, before i reach L10 i will be matched vs. L60+ players in qm and even in idle arena games. for paltry rewards ... if i happen to beat all odds and win.

6. idle arena games : major rework needed. offer way more SEAD / "SEAD fair" and SE1W / SE1W fair. eliminate 2v2 totally as arena game - way too frustrating. first the wait. then the exploitation by experienced players or troll team mates. 100% turnoff!
Expansion of Warzone: 2023-03-26 16:17:36

Level 58
new players do not learn by losses vs. L60 players. the would learn playing adequately difficult AI games - ideally with some guiding comments and hints along the way.
Expansion of Warzone: 2023-03-26 16:19:01

Level 58
when i lose vs alexclusive it is like my local village soccer team losing vs. FC Bayern. nothing to be learned there, except what was obvious going in: FC Bayern is more skilled. duh!
Expansion of Warzone: 2023-03-26 16:19:42

Level 58
first games should be mostly wins. that motivates (more) new players to stay on.
Expansion of Warzone: 2023-03-26 16:21:12

Level 65
It's funny how you found another way of comparing me to FC Bayern
Expansion of Warzone: 2023-03-26 16:23:15

Level 58
etc. can provide more suggestions in one of my future rants.
Expansion of Warzone: 2023-03-26 16:24:16

Level 58
@alexclusive - all characters are fictional, any similarities to real players or situations are merely coincidental. 😀

Edited 3/26/2023 16:24:53
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