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Quick Match Matchmaking: 2023-04-07 17:36:54

Level 33
I really do not like the quickmatch matchmaking.

I am 10.77 rated real time (5-31) and who do i match up against? a 690 rated real time player who's played over 40,000 games.

That's unbelievably lopsided.

Anyways, I just want to know if the matchmaking can be fixed so I, who has only played 36 games and won just 5 of them doesn't end up against a guy who has played 40126 games and has won half.
Quick Match Matchmaking: 2023-04-07 17:45:05

waffle 1.0 
Level 56
It's a big problem, yeah. I think everyone agrees QM matchmaking is flawed, and you end up playing with players who are nowhere near your skill level sometimes. I hope it will be fixed in the future.
Quick Match Matchmaking: 2023-04-07 17:47:07

Level 63
Repeating the standard statement . . .

Throw it on UserVoice, get 600+ votes, it gets noticed by Fizz, change could happen . . .
Quick Match Matchmaking: 2023-04-07 23:15:14

Level 62
Sharing here a suggestion I posted to uservoice. Please feel free to upvote / share if you support the idea.

Quick Match - QM should not be limited to 40 templates. One benefit might be that if more of MTL type strat templates are in the regular QM rotation, it could draw more consistent competition to those tempaltes.

Quick Match Matchmaking: 2023-04-08 02:21:03

Level 64

Warzone Creator
Quickmatch already tries to match you with someone as close to your rating as possible. But in real-time games, it's limited to people who are searching for a game at the same moment as you and on one of the same templates as you, so it can only work with what it has.

If getting better matches is important to you, I suggest doing multi-day quickmatch games since they'll tend to be much more closely rated.
Quick Match Matchmaking: 2023-04-08 03:11:56

Level 60

Edited 4/8/2023 04:30:49
Quick Match Matchmaking: 2023-04-08 03:32:34

Level 60

Edited 4/8/2023 04:31:02
Quick Match Matchmaking: 2023-04-08 10:08:16

Level 57
Pretty much if you’re playing a real-time game it’ll pit you up against whoever else is queuing up. Select multi day or try practicing on Single-player to get easier matches
Quick Match Matchmaking: 2023-04-08 10:14:44

Level 58
* if there is no adequate match (max 20% higher rating for the template) for real time qm matches, there should be an option to play against matching play strength AI rather than vs some newb-hunting OP walrus.

multiday is no alternative for players looking to play a (quick) RT game.

Edited 4/8/2023 10:15:48
Quick Match Matchmaking: 2023-04-08 10:16:28

Level 63
AI should not be added to a ladder/rating system, people could farm rating..
Quick Match Matchmaking: 2023-04-08 10:18:30

Level 63
if youre giving people an AI in QM, you might as well just redirect them back to SP
Quick Match Matchmaking: 2023-04-08 11:19:40

waffle 1.0 
Level 56
I agree AI is a bad idea, because it essentially turns multiplayer into singleplayer. If people want to play SP, they can do it on their own already.
I guess Fizzer and others are right - if nobody else is queuing for a template in a RT QM match, then you get an uneven one. There's probably nothing that can be done, other than not giving you that match at all, which would mean you'd take longer to get one. Still, it could be an option, maybe, which you could check? For instance, as a "don't match me with players 500 QM rating above me or higher". As mentioned, it'd mean a longer wait, but perhaps would make the environment more casual-player friendly, and in particularly for new players, or idle only players, who often don't care for QM other than arena games. Maybe some of them would prefer to wait a little more just to ensure they don't get matched against an opponent wildly out of their league, which likely wouldn't be a good experience for either of them.
Quick Match Matchmaking: 2023-04-08 15:50:09

Level 33
"if youre giving people an AI in QM, you might as well just redirect them back to SP"

Honestly having an AI in SP would be a nice addition. It's an easy way to quickly train against something your level. They havvve AI bots in chess.com. Why not here?
Quick Match Matchmaking: 2023-04-08 16:55:36

waffle 1.0 
Level 56
But we do have single-player games already and you can set these up at any time without wait. Just copy a QM template and create a SP game
Quick Match Matchmaking: 2023-04-08 17:01:56

Level 58
single player sucks big time. i hated it after map #5 or so. wayyyy tooo loooong. wayyyy tooo big maps. and if you make even a minor mistake you have to restart the entire shit map from scratch. no effing way! not quick, no fun, not enjoyable.

for *QUICK* match (qm) i expect to instantly get a QUICK match vs a similarly skilled player or similarly skilled AI. on SE map! with BALANCED start distribution for FAIR win chance. flnished in max. 10 turns, max. 5 minutes. turn time 30s, banked time 30s. boom bang QUICK MATCH. whether it is "ranked" or not dont give a damn.

instead i am facing loooong waits and lots of LOnG SLOW games with 20 turns of trolling around vs. OP walruses.

neither QUICK nor enjoyable.

Edited 4/8/2023 17:11:21
Quick Match Matchmaking: 2023-04-08 17:09:12

waffle 1.0 
Level 56
That is why you make your own type of games on single player, just copy the small earth template if you want and play it against the AI
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