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We should get to vote on CW maps: 2023-04-11 21:20:15

Alphazomgy (Warzone's Best Marketer)
Level 60
Before the start of each new CW season, the community should be able to vote on a map that will appear during the upcoming season.

We already have voting for "map of the week" so this should be easy to implement. Furthermore, only people who participate in the current or previous CW season should be able to vote (I assume this is doable).

I believe after that Fizzer can accept suggestions on what settings the map should use (but when we vote, settings should not be included...)

We can keep all the old maps, but I feel like doing this will add some more variety to CW.

Alternatively, the top 10 clans over the past 10 seasons should just be allowed to choose 1 map with settings. Then we can randomly select which order these will appear in the upcoming 10 cw seasons. Each map only appears once in each CW.

Am I making sense people!?!

Edited 4/11/2023 21:20:33
We should get to vote on CW maps: 2023-04-11 21:20:35

Level 63
We should get to vote on CW maps: 2023-04-11 21:20:52

waffle 1.0 
Level 56
duel lotto will be the first pick ofc
We should get to vote on CW maps: 2023-04-11 21:21:51

Alphazomgy (Warzone's Best Marketer)
Level 60
I mean, it doesn't really matter what the map is, the most important thing is the community chooses it. Should boost player engagement, thus making Fizzer more money.
We should get to vote on CW maps: 2023-04-11 21:27:21

Level 62
I agree, and to my knowledge this was done once in the past: https://www.warzone.com/Forum/549755-vote-new-clan-war-templates

That's how guiroma and french brawl got in.

To comment on the proposal I believe the voting should always be on templates and not on maps. And rotate templates instead of just adding new ones.
We should get to vote on CW maps: 2023-04-11 21:28:08

Alphazomgy (Warzone's Best Marketer)
Level 60
Okay it probably is better to vote using templates, I am a noob.
We should get to vote on CW maps: 2023-04-11 21:42:18

Level 63
thought that counts...

its been 2 years since the last vote. clan war is on the backburner
We should get to vote on CW maps: 2023-04-11 21:42:37

Level 63
just add micro transactions to clan war then fizzer will get very interested
We should get to vote on CW maps: 2023-04-11 22:33:23

Level 63
A quick vote on a few templates decided by a panel would be cool.

That way we can avoid all the newbies from voting lotto for the easy wins.
We should get to vote on CW maps: 2023-04-11 22:36:22

🤔Grandpa Richard🇨🇦💣 
Level 63
maybe I'm so Old , I'm losing touch with the younger generations.. I tried to play Duel lotto? what's the attraction to it? Help the Old Fart out?
We should get to vote on CW maps: 2023-04-11 22:37:23

Level 60
A quick vote on a few templates decided by a panel would be cool.

We should get to vote on CW maps: 2023-04-11 22:39:10

Level 63
We will make a panel of noobs, like Alphazomgyy, 5S, stef, Traitor, and myself.

That way, the walruses cant mess with the fair voting by only selecting elite templates.
We should get to vote on CW maps: 2023-04-11 22:39:54

Level 63
maybe I'm so Old , I'm losing touch with the younger generations.. I tried to play Duel lotto? what's the attraction to it? Help the Old Fart out?

There is no fun in it.

Its for playing games as quick as possible, either to get 0 effort wheelspins, or to be able to play 150 games a day to farm xp.
We should get to vote on CW maps: 2023-04-11 23:10:13

waffle 1.0 
Level 56
i'm a noob too, i will boycott it if i am not on the panel
We should get to vote on CW maps: 2023-04-12 02:02:36

🤔Grandpa Richard🇨🇦💣 
Level 63
Thanks JK3… that makes sense in a chaotic world… thought I was losing it.. well maybe still am..😊😊😃.. like I said tried it once (duel lotto) and wondered WTH is this.. lmao
We should get to vote on CW maps: 2023-04-12 02:25:29

Level 63
i'm a noob too, i will boycott it if i am not on the panel
I'm sure your boycott would be effective

As JK said, it's not meant to be fun. It's meant to be quick and provide XP, and you know sure as hell if given the choice, people are gonna vote it in, partly just b/c it's (a) they think it's funny (it's really not), (b) it's 1 more template that gives them a chance against players they can't otherwise beat. It does make we wonder tho if players who would typically play SEAD over other templates would pick Duel Lotto if SEAD wasn't an option, and let's say the only other option was Guiroma

Definitely needs to be templates not maps, else we're still voting on a mystery result that someone would still need to decide on before getting into CW. Imho, just use the QM templates to vote on

its been 2 years since the last vote. clan war is on the backburner
Fizz did announce during an AMA that "CW would have its day in the sun" but that it wouldn't be for a while, b/c first he wanted to rework Ladders (which is reportedly in the next update). And if this update doesn't fix Ladder Stalling, seriously gonna smh, and maybe ask waffle to boycott

That way, the walruses cant mess with the fair voting by only selecting elite templates.
It is tricky b/c the noobs are gonna vote Duel, SEAD, SE1W, and the elites are gonna vote S1v1, S2v2, Guiroma, FB (spoiler, we already have these in CW), maybe Landria or Timid Lands, and maybe some junk that just doesn't below in RT games, and then the "I'm so unique" randos are gonna jump on dumb templates like 4 Castles, Siege, Trippel-Tafl, Biomes, Scrabble, Chess, etc; would be interesting to see if anyone would try to vote in Europe 3v3 or an FFA of some kind tho

Tbh, the real question is - do people actually want this? Given how everyone jumps on SEAD whenever it's up, I think what people really want is not good templates and interesting games, but quick and simple games

Edited 4/12/2023 02:38:12
We should get to vote on CW maps: 2023-04-12 06:42:48

Level 62
This has been argued to death already, no? just put a fixed se map every slot, remove some (comm ld? FB?) and add some variety with an inss, Landria, Georgia army cap template.
We should get to vote on CW maps: 2023-04-12 07:02:42

Level 62
I completely share the projected outcome.

* The 3 SE templates will stay (they are just too popular looking at the sheer number of participants whenever they are selectable)
* Lotto will definitely come. I would bet lots of money on that
* Strat 1vs1 and FB and some other more strategic templates will stay (maybe Guiroma, maybe even ComLD)
* Maybe some INSS map may have a chance
* Probably 2vs2 will go

But I really dont expect a too big of a change.

And I personally dont like a template rotation each CW season. We need stability to onboard newbies and we already have enough rotation as not always all templates are selectable. The main difficulty of balancing CW and your RL is still that there are predefined fixed slots where you have to reserve a more or less significant amount of private time. Lets pleeease not increase that further and make it even harder to participate.
We should get to vote on CW maps: 2023-04-12 09:39:52

waffle 1.0 
Level 56
And if this update doesn't fix Ladder Stalling, seriously gonna smh, and maybe ask waffle to boycott

I'm always happy to help <3

and then the "I'm so unique" randos are gonna jump on dumb templates like 4 Castles, Siege, Trippel-Tafl, Biomes, Scrabble, Chess, etc

Oh, I can do dumber, trust me

Lotto will definitely come. I would bet lots of money on that

Yeah. I said it in a joking manner at first, but I would say it will come if it's available. Just look at how many votes the QM template has. Many people would love 50/50 chance of a win in CW, because otherwise they would do worse. I think any lottery template simply has to be vetoed if it comes up.

Edited 4/12/2023 09:43:51
We should get to vote on CW maps: 2023-04-12 09:44:06

Level 55

Edited 4/12/2023 09:45:58
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