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Ilpeggiore strategic Topic ...: 2023-05-25 10:03:38

Level 60
the worst strategic topic! letsgoooo
Ilpeggiore strategic Topic ...: 2023-05-27 13:21:37

[V.I.W] recruiting time! Join us !
Level 65
use of intel, very basic:


It's no luck cycle => system will inform you whether you will move first or not
It's commander => the first picked territory the player gets will contain the Commander.

I received 1st and 3rd picks => It's very probable enemy commander is onmy 2nd pick.
I moved first and won

AJ perspective: he gave for granted I picked the accesses at the outer area, so nothing to say, he had no intel and could not imagine I picked a random territory before the gates.
Ilpeggiore strategic Topic ...: 2023-06-03 08:10:24

[V.I.W] recruiting time! Join us !
Level 65
A perfect example of the development of basic picking strategy in Strategic 1vs1


China - the player- has picked to get a +4 and a +3 turn2; Flying picked so to have double +3 (or a +5) turn2 and a +5 (or two +3) turn3.

China's picks resemble those we used to abuse in strat ME, where securing fast income was as important as coverage*. In Strat. 1vs1 you can't fail a 3vs2 attack so the advantages of picking close bonuses is smaller than having coverage/intel.

Returning to the game what happened is that China had a +1 income advantage turn2, but then turn3 he is at -4 income ; there are few cases in which you can get your third bonus turn3 but again you would end with 15 or 16 income turn3 which is no different than picking a spread +3/+3/+5.

Of course the game is not decided by income only, however, since the first 3 bonuse are those you can get with little effort, maximizing your income advantage in turn2 is not really important in strat 1vs1.
China had no intel and wasted most of his advantage in South Am.
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