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Disappearing Coin: 2023-04-21 18:58:37

Level 58

I just played 3 coin matches. Entry fee = 2 coins; Victory = 3 coins. I won one, lost one, won one, which means a net gain of 4 coins.

However, my balance was sitting at 71 after the second match, then *dropped* to 70 after the third match.

Even supposing a delay in the updating of the balance, it should have moved up one, not down.

I can see three possibly explanations: 1) I'm hallucinating. 2) There's a technical glitch. 3) The last player I played (who uses abusive language when he loses and has won, apparently, *a lot* of coins this season, despite the fact that I beat him every time I play him, and I'm not a great player, so how has he won all those coins?) has actually nicked my coins.

In the absence of a way to track one's coin balance over time, I don't suppose there's any way to find out for sure, but has anybody else had a similar experience?
Disappearing Coin: 2023-04-21 18:59:32

waffle 1.0 
Level 56
Have you opened the coin balance page? that forces a refresh of your coin number in my experience

EDIT: I also assume you meant 2 coins entry and 4 coins reward otherwise the math does not check out

EDIT2: https://www.warzone.com/Coins/Transactions for anyone who has the same problem. The answer is: yes, you can :)

Edited 4/21/2023 19:04:47
Disappearing Coin: 2023-04-21 19:03:30

Level 58
Ha! I knew I shouldn't have bothered posting this (although slinging anonymous mud at a rude d'bag is kinda fun).

Thanks, waffle 1.0. Yeah - I didn't realise you can actually track the last few transactions. Turns out the two entry fees were 4 coins in total and the victory only gave me 3 coins. So the answer was option 4: Lack of accurate understanding on my part. What a surprise! =oB
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