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History turn bar: 2023-04-26 10:52:26

Ernesto Rosso
Level 54
The bar to select the turn is pretty short so with games over 50 turns (and so most multi days games) it becomes unusable to pinpoint a turn, not to talk about those 200 turns games in which the bar is totally useless. It would be pretty helpful to add the possibility to directly edit the turn number to see history, just like with deploying/attacking.
History turn bar: 2023-04-26 11:00:24

Level 60
Yes please! also make browser less laggy so it's possible to do it without having to wait for 15 minutes.
History turn bar: 2023-04-26 11:12:47

The Forbidden Koala 
Level 62
Game usually aren't that long
History turn bar: 2023-04-26 18:02:38

Level 60
How about this?

Edited 4/26/2023 19:29:07
History turn bar: 2023-04-26 18:29:49

Level 63
While this is a great suggestion, I think what the game review process needs more is screen position freeze and move filters

Particularly on games like what you're suggesting that cause browser to lag, such as those on big maps, with many players, lots of orders per turn, there's often so much movement on the map that it's hard to figure out what happened without doing an order by order step through, which could be several minutes in games with hundreds of moves, and advancing a single order can jerk the screen position around rampantly so you can see that particular move

Sometimes you just want to look at the orders on a given area of the map - so freeze the position & zoom level

And sometimes you're only interested in orders of a certain type (transfers, attacks, blockades, etc) or from a certain set of players - select filters to restrict what's displayed

And of course use a better algorithm for the popup when you click an order that often seems to cover up the position on the map where the order takes place; ensure it pops up somewhere else

Being able to select turn #'s & have a more robust bar would also be great though
History turn bar: 2023-04-26 19:16:05

Level 63
If you’re using browser or standalone then you can use the arrow keys to navigate history. The G and Home keys opens history at start of game, End for last turn
History turn bar: 2023-05-23 08:15:41

Ernesto Rosso
Level 54
@DanWL and HangFire, yes, you can use the double arrows to navigate through games, but it may easily take 40' to load each turn, so if you have to click on the bar and then use the arrows multiple times it becomes a waste of time. Point is I don't think it would take much to make this mechanic more efficient, just like it is more efficient to type the number of armies you wish to deploy, instead of selecting more or less on the bar and then tapping once per additional army on the map
History turn bar: 2023-05-23 08:49:19

Level 63
Do you use app or browser? If browser i could write a script to fix it. Otherwise has to be an official feature.
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