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Some question about super ascension, etc by newbie: 2023-04-27 06:37:46

Level 56
1. I'm curious about the time warp. Using insane time warp reduces 8 hours, but does it also reduce the cool time of the time warp itself by 8 hours?
For example, is time warp insane available every 8 hours? Or is it available every 16 hours?

2. When I see people talking about artifacts on forums, I'm confused because the abbreviation I dont know.
Is there an article that describes these abbreviations? If possible, I want to study.

3. I've seen that there's a thing called super ascension (I'm still before 1st ascension)
I'm thinking between +25% ap and artifact slot +1. What do you usually choose for your first super ascent?

3-a. I heard the battle reward will be initialized in the super ascension, is it possible to get the epic triple strike again as a reward for that hard map?
Some question about super ascension, etc by newbie: 2023-04-27 06:50:18

Level 62
1. It used to reduce itself in some early version, but doesnt do that anymore.

2. https://www.warzone.com/wiki/Artifacts

3. Most people seem to go for either 25% AP or +1 slot (a few choose even dig time reduction), but that pretty much depends on what artifacts you have and your play style. You definitely dont want to discard a legendary.

3-a. Yes, all wzib rewards reset and you can get all artifact rewards from there another time. The same holds for all hardened rewards: you can (even have to) gain them again.

Thats why super ascending is a quite nice way to get artifacts super fast (if you have supered already a few times):
* 2 epic, 2 rare, 1 uncommon, 1 common, 1 poor artifacts from wzib
* 1 epic artifact from hard ccc level
That sums up to 0.69 legendary artifacts without digging AT ALL.

Note: there is also a legendary artifact reward from wzib, but afaik only 3 ppl ever got it and it is usually considered not worth the effort as it requires 102400 BP
Some question about super ascension, etc by newbie: 2023-04-27 06:59:23

Level 56
wow! fantasitc answer @otto thanks!!

but i dont understand "wzib", "afaik" that, Even i use the search function of forums and wiki, it's hard to know what it is.
Some question about super ascension, etc by newbie: 2023-04-27 07:01:03

Level 62
WarZone Idle Battle (wzib)
as far as I know (afaik)
Some question about super ascension, etc by newbie: 2023-04-27 07:01:53

Level 56
aha! thanks @stefano36000
Some question about super ascension, etc by newbie: 2023-04-27 07:02:02

Level 25
1. No, The TW artifact itself has to fully cool down, which takes 16 hours.

2. As far as I know, no. But there are some resources (mostly Google Docs) linked my players that list all artifacts and you can abbreviate the names yourself and note them down somewhere, Still, there are artifacts that would produce the same abbreviation (ACB for example is ambiguous). So, in these cases either hope that the player used a unique name (in this example ACacheB or ACampB), or figure it out from the context. In case you didn't know, there are 41 artifacts in total, 16 actives and 25 passives. (apparently, that isn't true anymore, I wasn't aware of the wiki-page until today)

3. I haven't super-ascended myself, but I will mostly decide that depending on the artifacts I have to sacrifize. So, if I have three (or more) artifacts with a high rank (that I can't upgrade given a reasonable time span before super-ascending), I will pick the third artifact, otherwise I will choose the AP. In the long run, super-ascending is about artifacts, as these are the only benefits that you take with you, so make it count!

3-a. Not sure what you meant exactly. If it's about "The Legend" from Hardened Copper Creek Castle, then yes you can earn that one again with each super-ascension. If it is about the battle point rewards then also yes, you start again at 0 BP and can earn all the rewards again, also with each SA.

Edit: guess someone was faster :P

Edited 4/27/2023 07:04:51
Some question about super ascension, etc by newbie: 2023-04-27 07:12:30

Level 56
Thanks forf kindly answer @phoenix
Some question about super ascension, etc by newbie: 2023-04-28 16:49:26

Level 22
This thread has a guide you'll find helpful: https://www.warzone.com/Forum/542544-warzone-idle-full-guide
Some question about super ascension, etc by newbie: 2023-04-28 16:57:04

Level 63
This thread has a guide you'll find helpful: https://www.warzone.com/Forum/542544-warzone-idle-full-guide

Note that this guide is based on 5.14, idle has gotten several new updates since then. (Is still a good guide tho!)

The Jz guide (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EHCM-n_4vq_Hv7V1wo9QSTcRP2ba4qRqBh8fOh5PiKk/) is updated with more recent topics.
Some question about super ascension, etc by newbie: 2023-04-28 17:20:03

Level 56
wow!!! very thanks @jajonnz @JK_3 !!!!
i want like that!!!

and... i have one more curious
if use 16h artifact and clear map. and when begin the new map, artifact cooltime is reset? or not?
Some question about super ascension, etc by newbie: 2023-04-28 17:20:41

Level 62
Some question about super ascension, etc by newbie: 2023-04-28 17:20:47

Level 63
no, artifact cooldown (unfortunately) just keeps going and doesnt reset
Some question about super ascension, etc by newbie: 2023-04-28 17:28:41

Level 56
tragically.... not reset cooltime...
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