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Clan Wars Daily Bugle: 2023-05-05 07:01:25

Level 55
You are really good at writing these Texx, I can see the amount of work you put into each of these CW newspaper articles and really appreciate it. I hope you can keep it up for a long time
Clan Wars Daily Bugle: 2023-05-06 00:21:28

Level 61
CW Summary (S31 - Day 6):

Opti answer the call. Prime extend lead. Old Nick’s woes continue.

275 players today. 8 less than yesterday. 153 for the Top 5. That’s a drop of 12. Optimum is the only one to match yesterday. This is their 3rd day in a row with the most participation.

Myth Busters vs Optimum
MB - 20 wins (-17 rating)
Opti - 26 wins (+34 rating)

Opti launch out the starting blocks. They hit the new day like they had a point to prove, and prove it they did, as they threw half their forces at the first two slots and only lost 2 games out of 18, taking the lead by 8 wins, though they had sent 12 more warriors into battle than MB.

MB slowly catch back up, but Opti were fighting with a hand tied as their higher CW rating meant they had to fight elites from Python and Master. It’s really not that much worse than fighting the elites in MB, the issue is when they get matched with elites, it pushes MB further down the matchup list and they fight weaker opponents. A good example is S1v1 in the 4th slot. There were 2 Opti, 2 MB, 2 Python, 6 average players. Opti faced off against the elites from Python, whereas MB got easier matchups from the pool of average players.

Opti win 10 out of their last 18 and end the day tied with MB, closing the 6 win gap with their 2nd best performance this season.

Despite a very nice 3rd slot, where they won 6 out of 7 games, MB tie Day 3 for their worst performance this season, but that just goes to show how well they have been playing, as today was only 1 win less than their median last season.

MB vs Opti games:
MB win 4
Opti win 6

Knyte vs Prime
Knyte - 13 wins (-6 rating)
Prime - 19 wins (+26 rating)

Prime’s frog army hits SEAD hard on the first slot, leaving carnage in their wake. 8 wins out of 8. On the third slot Prime and Knyte clash. 6 games on SEAD that ended in a 3-3 draw and both leaders, FiveSmith and Stefano, defeated. One Frog gets a no-game on the last slot. Only 2 days better than this for them last season. A great performance them.

Knyte had a great day for them! … if it were last season. This season they need to perform better to keep up with Prime. The gap widens from 4 to 10 wins.

Knyte vs Prime games:
Knyte win 3.
Prim win 6.

Harmony have a poor performance. Only 9 wins, -30 rating and 2 played games less than their daily average.

Midfield Battle
Le Furie and M’Hunters go tit for tat. 8 wins each. LFA +13 rating. MH +24.

TLA took home 8 W’s too, their squad isn’t as deep as the others, so less losses mean more rating gain. +33. They jump up to 9th.

Protagonist Update
Mylo faced off with DH again! On CommLD, again! And beat him, again! He wreaks havoc with his commander on DH’s cluster pick and spends the next 36 turns cementing his advantage.

Jack Norris faced Alexclusive on the aforementioned 4th slot S1v1. Alexclusive, Regent of Python, has the 11th all time best rating on the MTL. He’s pretty good. But so is Jackie Boy! He beats him decisively. He had the lead from start to finish.

Old Nick lost again. Again to another Opti player. This time to to forksandwich. This is the 3rd time he’s lost to him this season. That’s 6 losses now. All to Opti.

There were 10 yesterday, now only 6 remain. It’s time for everyone’s favourite segment…
Perfection Inspection!
Drizzy Drake (Octane)




FleXUS (MB), Stefano (Knyte), Texx & Geforce (Harmony) were our perfect players that lost today.

Top 5 Rankings
Myth Busters - 136
Optimum - 136
Prime - 102
knyte club - 92
Harmony - 74

Edited 5/6/2023 00:29:46
Clan Wars Daily Bugle: 2023-05-06 17:47:49

Level 63
Can’t wait to hear how old nick broke his losing streak :D
Clan Wars Daily Bugle: 2023-05-06 21:45:04

Level 65
Or the gift heard round the world huh tacky 😂
Clan Wars Daily Bugle: 2023-05-06 21:53:13

old yeller 
Level 59
as we all wait texx is writing up the latest cw day’s summery. some care about top 5 some about awesome players. like the news papers of old we each read what we like and texx provides it all for us.
Clan Wars Daily Bugle: 2023-05-07 01:30:42

Level 61
CW Summary (S31 - Day 7):

MB slaughter the challengers! Can Nick break the curse? New graphs!

258 participants. 17 less than yesterday. 150 for the Top 5. 3 less than yesterday. Prime and Harmony have their worst day this season for participation.

Myth Busters vs Optimum
MB - 25 wins (+18 rating)
Opti - 18 wins (-40 rating)

Opti lose two 2v2’s against MB. The second quite comically when SB gifts a territory to his enemy instead of his teammate.

The Champions SMASH Opti! They’d already crushed them 6-1 going into the final slot. Then they crushed them 6-1 again in a single slot. A fantastic end to the day for MB. Will they be able to take this momentum and run with it, or will Opti rise from this more motivated than ever?

MB vs Opti games:
MB win 12.
Opti win 2.

Knyte vs Prime
Knyte - 17 wins (+27 rating)
Prime - 16 wins (+25 rating)

Knyte with 2 more wins than their daily average.
Prime with 1 less win than their daily average.

The gap is 9 wins. If Knyte can close it by 1 per day, it’ll be very close by the end of the season. So due to the gap to Prime, they’ll need better than this to call it a win. A boring draw today.

Knyte vs Prime games:
Knyte win 3.
Prim win 3.

Low participation from Harmony sees them fall 25 wins behind Knyte. 10-11 today. No rating change.

Midfield Battle

After 2 days in 7th, M’Hunters retake 6th with 9 wins today. +13 rating.

FDC go 8-3, overtaking M’ship and TLA to jump up into 8th. They also raise their rating by 13 points.

Protagonist Update
Mylo beat Andrtych from Harmony on CommLD.

Jackie slayed a Vietnamese Dragon with some beautiful defensive play.

Old Nick WON!!! He played Orcus, another Opti, on S1v1. Nick won a coin flip on T2 to give him the advantage. Both players had delayed a 3 army attack on Scott in Antarctica. Whoever attacked last would win. Luckily for Nick, Orcus was the one who had order priority, so he managed to counter attack and win the +3 Antarctica bonus. Orcus then gambled that Nick would deploy troops to Scott to defend it, allowing him to defend Florida more weakly and use half his income to complete the Southeast Asia +3 bonus. Nick chose to deploy 10 to Cuba, 1 to Scott, smash Florida before the crucial 1 army reinforcement arrived, and sneakily take away Orcus’ Tasmania counter. Thus, with a little bit of luck on T2 and a lot of skill on T3, Nick wins his first game of the season, breaking his 7 game losing streak.

And with Jack and Mylo officially out of their slump winning 3 in a row and Nick breaking his losing streak, we will stop focusing on these guys and focus more on the perfect players. With that being said, it’s time for everyone’s favourite segment…

Perfection Inspection!
Drizzy Drake (Octane)



2 perfect players lost today.

Forksandwich from Opti lost to Rinnosuke from Prime. Rinno played the defensive expansion game, Fork played the aggressive disruption game. It was all over when Fork’s disruptor stack got chased down in China.

UsualSuspect from MB lost too. He played Dom365 on MME MA LD (aka, Cancer. This is what Harmony call it. This is what I’ll call it from now on). Dom is the most winningest Cancer player in CW with 270ish wins. 100 more than the next guy. He and Sussy have played each other on Cancer 5 times before. Sussy winning 3 of them.

Sussy eliminates Dom from Russia, allowing him room to expand, but Dom uses that opportunity to take another bonus in Africa. Sussy tries to get sneaky and counter Dom via a 4 army neutral. Dom reads his mind and stops the counter. It takes another 7 turns for Sussy Boy to raise the white flag. UsualSuspect was MB’s last perfect Dragon.

Top 5 Rankings
Myth Busters - 161
Optimum - 154
Prime - 118
knyte club - 109
Harmony - 84

Edited 5/7/2023 02:06:09
Clan Wars Daily Bugle: 2023-05-07 14:06:00

Level 63
Fancy graphs! Blue is my favorite color too
Clan Wars Daily Bugle: 2023-05-07 20:46:02

Level 63
after super strong starts to the day op fails to show up in last 2 slots and myth buster take advantage by opening up a double digit lead
Clan Wars Daily Bugle: 2023-05-08 00:00:09

Level 61
CW Summary (S31 - Day 8):

Both Challengers go AWOL. MB answer all questions. A perfect player gives up.

256 participants. 2 less than yesterday. 145 for the Top 5. 5 less than yesterday.

Myth Busters vs Optimum
MB - 30 wins (+50 rating)
Opti - 20 wins (+3 rating)

MB stun everyone with a 30 win performance. Breaking both last season and this season’s best by a staggering 4 wins. A 4 win improvement may not seem like much, but think about it this way, they have nearly halved the amount of losses… from their best! Insane!

They had two huge slots today. They played 10 games on the 4th slot and won 9. They played 11 on the final slot and won 10.

Opti started strong. With 19 in by halftime and 15 wins. They’d tied it up at the top again and MB had only 8 games in hand. It seemed like when the dust settled, the gap would be much smaller. But a quiet second half sees Opti have their worst day this season for participation. Just 30 games. 5 less than their average. They played as many games as their rivals won. In terms of wins, they’ve had 3 worse days this season, but in terms of wins compared to MB, this is the biggest disparity between the two since Day 2 last season. The gap to MB more than doubles.

My question from yesterday has been answered,
As MB use momentum to seize chances.
My worries from 3 days ago are allayed,
As MB plunge the dagger and twist the blade.

MB vs Opti games:
MB win 7.
Opti win 4.

Knyte vs Prime
Knyte - 9 wins (-14 rating)
Prime - 18 wins (+44 rating)

Knyte have an awful day. 8 games less than their average. 7 wins less than their average. They allow the gap to Prime to double, despite an average day for Prime.

Prime’s rating soars, but only because they also had low participation. 4 games less than average and 1 win more than average.

Knyte vs Prime games:
Knyte win 2.
Prime win 5.

Harmony have average participation, but only 9 wins. They’re averaging single digits for the last 4 days. -58 rating today. The second biggest rating drop this season.

Midfield Battle

Only one change as The Fancy Dot (FDC) drop down two places to 10th. They had the most participants today with 12, but could only get 2 wins.

The leaders of the midfield battle, M’Hunters, had a sub-par day too, winning just 3 out of 12 games. Their 5 win lead to LFA has shrunk by 2.

Perfection Inspection!
Opti had 1 victor and 1 loser today.

blobblob was the victor. He played MrPotato from Harmony on Strat 1v1. MrPotato, usually a mercenary for MB under the alias of “StealthFalcon”, has an 80% win rate in CW, a specialist in light fog templates. Not an easy opponent. The game started off as a real brawl. Taters with the ftb, immediately broken by Blob from China. Taters manoeuvres in a position to take East China, but Blob manoeuvres to take South America 1 turn earlier and uses the advantage to yoink Central America whilst Taters completes China.

Drizzy Drake (Octane) lost today. Octane is a Top 5 player in WZ. He is a member of Python. He lost to Castel Gandolfo from Grandmaster Clan. Gandalf is currently ranked 3rd on the MTL. He has finished the last 4 seasonal ladders in the top 15. Both players expand to even income, but Gandalf puts a little bit of pressure on Octane’s weak points with a flank, and although he’s threatening his own break, Octane raises the white flag. It seems like Octane’s heart is somewhere else. Perhaps he doesn’t have the time for Real Time games and is just hunting quick and easy wins. Perhaps he lacks motivation because he is just a mercenary. Either way, he surrenders early and loses his chance at a perfect season.

Prime’s Japanese ace, Matutake, faced itsnkotb from Knyte, a 25% w/r player, on SE1W. ‘Take lost the coin flip for Peru, but Knobby, in an odd twist, didn’t take the SA ftb. ‘Take guesses Knobby’s second spawn wrong and stacks towards NA. Knobby starts taking Europe from Africa and ‘Take has to block Europe with a flimsy skeleton stack. He gets lucky when Knobby decides to split stacks and annihilate his entire army in two seperate small attacks. From there it was a routine cleanup.

Two seasons ago ‘Take almost had a perfect season, but an excruciating loss on the very last day meant he missed the chance to have the first ever perfect season, but still became part of an exclusive 8 player club that have had a 1 off perfect season.

Knyte’s “Karlstadt” won a Guiroma game vs Native from Harmony. Native, an 11% w/r beginner, expanded inefficiently and Karl was able to capitalise.

Top 5 Rankings
Myth Busters - 191
Optimum - 174
Prime - 136
knyte club - 118
Harmony - 93

Edited 5/8/2023 00:08:22
Clan Wars Daily Bugle: 2023-05-09 01:49:36

Level 61
CW Summary (S31 - Day 9):

Opti start strong, finish weak. Knyte close gap despite low games. TLA make it a threesome.

312 participants. 56 more than yesterday. 163 for the Top 5. 18 more than yesterday.

Myth Busters vs Optimum
MB - 22 wins (-22 rating)
Opti - 24 wins (+26 rating)

Opti finish the 3rd slot with a 14-3 record. They also had a perfect 7/7 on the 5th slot. They close the gap to MB from 17 to 15. But they’re running out of time here. They need to tear a chunk out of that lead soon or it’ll slowly slip further and further toward impossibility.

MB are responsible for 8/10 of Opti’s losses today. On the last slot they sweep Opti in a 4 games showdown on SE1W. This is the 3rd day in a row that they have beaten Opti head to head. They played 37 games today. The best turnout since Prime played 38 on Day 1.

MB vs Opti games:
MB win 8.
Opti win 6.

Knyte vs Prime
Knyte - 20 wins (+43 rating)
Prime - 18 wins (+10 rating)

Prime throw 14 Frogs at the first slot. Only 4 come home victorious. Above average slots for the rest of the day allow Prime to finish with a 50% win rate and match their daily average when the dust settles.

Knyte exceed yesterday’s score after only 15 games. They had a perfect 4th slot, winning 8/8 games. But the Knytes finish with 5 less games played than Prime. They may close the gap by 2 today, but they simply cannot compete with Prime in the long term when they lack the overall participation.

On most slots Prime and Knyte avoid each other. This is due to the rating difference between them now. Well, more accurately, it’s all the clans that have a rating slightly above Prime’s and in between Prime and Knyte’s. Prime have to take a few leftover matchups with MH and TLA, then so through all the Mothers and Harmonisers before the pair up with Knyte. As such, there are on 5 games between them today.

Knyte vs Prime games:
Knyte win 1.
Prim win 3.

Harmony have an above average day. 13/25 games. They increase their rating by 12 points.

Midfield Battle

Another bad day for MH. Just 3 wins from 15 games allows LFA to catch up as they win 5/9.

But LFA aren’t the only clan to close the gap, as TLA win a staggering 11 out of 14 games today, drawing level with the other two.

A bad day for the M’Ship. They win just 2/13 games today and drop down in 10th.

Perfection Inspection!

Blobblob gets a lucky boot win. We take those.

Matutake won on SE1W vs Sapk from Harmony. He put himself in a very bad position with bad picks. Sapk wen’t all in on Brazil first move. Correct. But then on T2 he decides to lower the troop count with taps. Incorrect. The winning move was to build a stack on Brazil and slow capture Oceania. By tapping down he allows Matutake a successful double team to take Brazil on T3, which woulf eliminated him from the region and give ‘Take free expansion. So on T3 Sapk must dodge the double team, which he does, but it gives ‘Take counter-play as he can now hold the chokepoint long enough to take Europe. ‘Take takes Europe, can’t hold it, pivots for SA, turns it into a SA vs Oceania game, successfully blocks Europe and defends Brazil, builds a big enough stack on Brazil to focus on making his way over to Oceania and break it.

Summary: ‘Take makes bad picks and dodges a huge bullet when his opponent blunders the win.

Karlstadt lost. He wanted to go for North Africa and win the game in 2 turns, but he should have known he couldn’t get there first and play it more patiently. After losing the rat race, instead of beelining the critical position of Middle East, he decides the best place to run with his commander is the middle of nowhere in North Asia, giving his opponent Africa for free.

Summary: Karl gets overeager, loses the early clash and plays the rest of the game like he’s been flashbanged.

Top 5 Rankings
Myth Busters - 213
Optimum - 198
Prime - 154
knyte club - 138
Harmony - 106

Edited 5/10/2023 07:41:37
Clan Wars Daily Bugle: 2023-05-09 06:40:55

Level 55
CW Summary (S31 - Day 9): Another bad day for MH. Just 3 wins from 15 games allows LFA to catch up as they win 5/9.

▶ Oh we got 3 wins? I just saw the image below and thought it was 1 :P
Clan Wars Daily Bugle: 2023-05-09 14:50:23

Level 63
thanks Texx for your effort
Clan Wars Daily Bugle: 2023-05-09 16:21:20

Level 62
Can we have a chart where we see the number of games per day from knyte in comparison to the time when stefano is on holiday? I think we will clearly see that stefano should refrain from any more holidays!
Clan Wars Daily Bugle: 2023-05-09 17:49:43

Level 62
1) I'm not the only manager in knyte club.
2) I haven't missed a day yet.
3) I already have to hide to play that game resulting in me playing sead or se1w....
Clan Wars Daily Bugle: 2023-05-10 00:55:45

Level 61
Lol. If Steph didn’t respond I’d have made a graph like that just to troll him. Today’s Bugle will have to be really late. Sorry.
Clan Wars Daily Bugle: 2023-05-10 07:55:49

Level 61
CW Summary (S31 - Day 10):

Lead widens. Knyte’s spark snuffed. The last man standing!

Myth Busters vs Optimum
MB - 27 wins (+17 rating)
Opti - 19 wins (-35 rating)

Another great turnout for MB. 37 players again. They turn on the afterburners and smash Optimum six ways to Sunday. The gap is now 23 wins. The scores were tied 4 days ago! What a massive downfall from the challengers. I hope they can turn it around and give us a good show… but MB’s lead is slowly becoming insurmountable. One thing is for certain, if Optimum don’t stay optimistic, they won’t stand a chance.

Quite interestingly, MB’s most played template changed to CommLD today. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen MB have anything other than Strat 1v1 as their most played template on the stats site. I mean, it makes sense. They already had the best CommLD players like SerFen, Will of D, Pal’horde, Modicum and others. Then they added Johnny and DH in the last 2 seasons.

Most of these guys have joined the first public Harmony tournament that was created yesterday. If you’d like to compete against the best CommLD players in the world, you have just 7 hours left loin. Is this a shameless self promo? Yep. Do I care? Heck no! These are time consuming to write, so I deserve to plug my stuff lmao. Now, JOIN!

MB vs Opti games:
MB win 8.
Opti win 3.

Knyte vs Prime
Knyte - 11 wins (-16 rating)
Prime - 17 wins (+10 rating)

The gap from Knyte to Prime opens by another 6 games today despite an average performance by Prime. It’s clear Knyte simply lack the same motivation they had early in the season after they switched to the uncapped clan. Without that spark, they don’t stand a chance against the Prime Toads.

Knyte vs Prime games:
Knyte win 3.
Prim win 4.

Harmony with just 7 wins today. Their worst day since S29.

Midfield Battle

Fancy Dot clan had 10 wins today. The most this season. Beating their previous best of 8 wins on Day 8. They don’t gain any positions today, but they close the gap dramatically to 8th and 7th, and keep up with…

… M’Hunters! Who also had 10 wins today. They break the tie for 6th and open up a gap of 5 wins to LFA.

Perfection Inspection!
Matutake plays Bestuzheff from Harmony and wins a straightforward Peru 1st pick coin flip game.

Blobblob seeks aid from Andeas in a 2v2 game. But they run into Kage and Tacky. We caught up with Tacky after the game and he said:
“I was happy to end their last perfect season. I started that game well then started to play braindead. Luckily, Kage kept focus and carried us to victory. I'm used to doing the carrying so it was a nice change of pace.”
As usual, Tacky coping with the embarrassment of being babied by Kage and pretending he doesn’t always get carried. And there we have it folks, Kage (with Tacky baggage) beats Blob

Last Man Standing
And there we have it folks, Kage (with Tacky baggage) end Blob’s perfect season, meaning our final perfect player, for the second time in the last 3 seasons, is Matutake from Prime!!!

Top 5 Rankings
Myth Busters - 240
Optimum - 217
Prime - 171
knyte club - 149
Harmony - 113
Clan Wars Daily Bugle: 2023-05-11 19:34:41

Level 55
Since Texx still didn't put the Daily News for Day-11, let me make a low-effort version of it real quick. . .

CW Summary (S31 - Day 11):

OP closes the gap? Knyte’s not dead yet! Harmony steps-up!

Unfortunately, I only have current stats, not the starts right after the end of day 11. I'll have to use the data at hand :(

Myth Busters vs Optimum
▶ After OP, falling behind significantly against their rival MB, OP started to push back and reduced the point gap to 16. That's still a big gap (especially on that level) but its enough to make MB restart their recruiting efforts (their recruitment forum is "bumped").

Knyte vs Prime
▶ FiveSmith the master of whipping, used his famous tactics to "motivate" his clan. His "motivations" were so strong that Prime not only got exponentially active, also they are taking games much more seriously. Their CWR, which was historically around 250 perfectly visualizes that by getting up to 343 (as of now). Does Knyte has anything to match FiveSmith's intense "motivations"? Stay tuned and find out!

Midfield Battle
▶ M'Hunter, the clan that got all the losses due to OP & MB, crushing them to get points, had embarrassingly low performance on the last few days. That losses drop their CWR so low that they finally started to match mediocre players which allowed them to get back up better than ever and secured their 6th spot! The Fancy Dot on the other hand, started to brute force their way into 7th spot, let's see if Le Furie Azure will be able to stop TFD's force...

Perfection Inspection!
▶ I'm too lazy for that part, Texx can fill this part with satisfying and informative stuff in the following days

Top 6 Rankings: (Made it 6, to include the glorious MH :P)
1) Myth Busters - 280
2) Optimum ----- 264
3) Prime --------- 196
4) knyte club ---- 176
5) Harmony ----- 137
6) M'Hunters ---- 074
Clan Wars Daily Bugle: 2023-05-11 19:48:29

Level 60
Hey, if you missed it in global chat, I got saved one copy of the yesterday's edition of the Clan Wars Daily Express.

Clan Wars Daily Express
[Your first source of Daily CW updates]

Today W/G:
Myth Busters: 24/33
Optimum: 22/33
Prime: 16/31
knyte club: 14/26
Harmony: 13/26

まつたけ matutake from Prime is still on the perfect CW run!

See you tomorrow!
Clan Wars Daily Bugle: 2023-05-11 19:49:19

Level 55
What time do you send that out at 5smith?
Clan Wars Daily Bugle: 2023-05-11 19:54:17

Level 60
What time do you send that out at 5smith?

CW Daily Express proudly running since May 2023.
Daily releases usually come after 21:34 UTC and before the CW Daily Bugle, if I get bored.

Edited 5/11/2023 19:55:15
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