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How do I save a single-player game?: 2023-05-09 22:38:42

Michael Engel
Level 6
It appears that once I shut off the computer at night, the choice to open a game I've been playing does not reappear when I click "custom game". The game is gone. Is that as it's supposed to be or is there a way of saving it for the next day?
How do I save a single-player game?: 2023-05-09 22:39:23

waffle 1.0 
Level 56
It should be saved usually.
How do I save a single-player game?: 2023-05-09 22:40:34

Level 63
It should save all your SP games locally on the device. Make sure that your browser doesnt clear its cookies/cache for any warzone.com pages.

You can check the full list of locally stored games on https://www.warzone.com/singleplayer/savedgames
How do I save a single-player game?: 2023-05-09 22:40:53

Level 60
It's there. It's auto-save. When you revisit that game, you can either continue your previous game or start over. A prompt appears giving you a choice.

Edited 5/9/2023 22:43:37
How do I save a single-player game?: 2023-05-09 22:46:05

Level 64

Warzone Creator
Assuming you're playing in a browser: You might have some anti-malware or anti-virus or privacy app installed that's deleting the saved game. Sometimes programs do this since they think it's enhancing your privacy. Try disabling them or adding an exemption for warzone.com.
How do I save a single-player game?: 2023-05-09 23:01:43

Michael Engel
Level 6
To clarify: If I close a game but keep the computer on, I get the choice of reopening it. Once the computer is shut down for the night, the next day I don't get that choice. The link to saved games does not solve the problem. Might it be because my history gets erased? I don't think my antivirus/privacy settings create the problem.
How do I save a single-player game?: 2023-05-09 23:12:00

Level 63
Your browser privacy settings are related to the problem. It’s related to “local storage” or “session storage”.
What extensions do you have on your browser, which browser are you using and which operating system do you use?

If you try to resume saved game on different device it won’t work, have to use same device as what you stated the single player game/level with. In this case you can ignore all of the above.
How do I save a single-player game?: 2023-05-10 13:45:14

Michael Engel
Level 6
Thanks for all the suggestions, including yours. Mac OS, Firefox browser, no extensions that I know of. I went into my privacy settings and "allowed" cookies and tracking from Warzone. Let's see what happens.
How do I save a single-player game?: 2023-05-10 22:35:34

Michael Engel
Level 6
Well, now the games aren't saved at all.
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