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Google Sheet's poll for ladder times: 2023-05-11 03:10:16

Level 61
respondents can see answer breakdowns

I have made a poll for ladder boot times using VERAVARI's questions. This poll does not collect emails, and if it does tell me names I will not share them. Answer whatever questions you want, and don't answer on multiple accounts.
Google Sheet's poll for ladder times: 2023-05-11 08:06:49

Nice Guy 
Level 62
Haven't you read people's opinions on VERAVARI's timers?
Google Sheet's poll for ladder times: 2023-05-11 11:08:33

waffle 1.0 
Level 56
Yeah, people didn't like the options (like 8.5 day banked time, ???) so it's probably a good idea to first collect a few options people would actually vote on as their preferred time.
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