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100 % luck: 2023-05-13 11:32:38

For Fun 
Level 62
anyone knows an easy way to find the limits for the 100% luck .
100 % luck: 2023-05-13 16:00:44

Level 65
[0; attackers]
100 % luck: 2023-05-13 16:07:28

For Fun 
Level 62
thnx .it was simple ;D
100 % luck: 2023-05-13 16:18:20

Level 59
another limit is that 200d3 will never come up all 3s, not in any lifetime we might meet
100 % luck: 2023-05-13 20:15:17

waffle 1.0 
Level 56
I wish we could have 1000% luck. or -100% luck. would be fun
100 % luck: 2023-05-13 20:48:52

Nice Guy 
Level 62
On 100% luck, every attacker has "attack rate" chance to kill 1 troop. Armies killed are binomial distribution. You can never guarantee that you will killa at least 1 troop, but the chances approach 100% with # of attacking armies.
100 % luck: 2023-05-13 21:01:19

Level 58
@For Fun: The formula for your kills is "Kills = (SR * L) + (EXP * (100%-L))"
SR = successful rolls. Each attacking army usually has a 60% chance of being a successful roll for example.
L = luck in percent
EXP = the expected amount of kills, for example 100*0.6 = 60 expected kills.

In your example the luck is 100%, so the formula can get simplified to Kills = SR. So without any successful rolls, the amount of Kills becomes 0. So the other answers have been correct.

Edited 5/13/2023 21:02:07
100 % luck: 2023-05-13 23:23:07

Level 63
cool formula
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