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Artifacts: Make easier to rotate.: 2023-05-17 23:56:58

Sasquatch Bohogotot 
Level 59
I am finding the constant Pick & Drag to use the cards very annoying.

My Idea: Make it so they can be double clicked on to swap the cards out. Other ideas?

Idea 2: Highlight one with single click and click on replacement and they auto swap.

Yes, I like to keep mine in a certain order.

Good ideas guys, thanks.

The reason I ask/suggest is cause my hands are very painful usually, even after 7 hand surgeries, so anything to reduce activity is a big help, thanks.

Please ignore the replies from the ones I have on my block list, they are simply childish.

Edited 5/31/2023 23:42:38
Artifacts: Make easier to rotate.: 2023-05-19 13:41:14

Santa Claus
Level 63
Or maybe have different lineups to swap through.
Artifacts: Make easier to rotate.: 2023-05-19 13:43:36

Level 60
artifact sets: unlocked by some hardened level. so you have a set of arranged artifacts that are saved, then at the tap of a button at the top right corner swrich between different arti sets (some way to stop actives being switched, perhaps?)
Artifacts: Make easier to rotate.: 2023-05-19 13:47:59

Santa Claus
Level 63
You should submit a uservoice to be ignored.
Artifacts: Make easier to rotate.: 2023-05-19 13:48:43

Level 62
Artifacts: Make easier to rotate.: 2023-05-19 13:49:02

Level 60
Artifacts: Make easier to rotate.: 2023-05-31 14:25:10

Level 57

much better than different sets etc. would be a small change in the logic of the artifact window.
Don't exchange any artifact any longer. All Artifacts will keep their position in the lower artifact window. Click or touch on one of them, would open a small window showing 3/4 positions, where it should be.
Selecting one of them, the artifact beeing on that position will be exchanged with that choosen artifact.

In the above part of the window you will see the active artifacts (which are now copies of the artifact cards, just to inform, which one is selected.

This has the advantage, that the order of the artifacts in the lower pane will never change and you get used to your specific order knowing where to click.

And by the way: Please fix the phantom artifacts, which are below and above the artifact window in the browser!
Artifacts: Make easier to rotate.: 2023-05-31 21:30:01

Level 63
artifact sets: unlocked by some hardened level. so you have a set of arranged artifacts that are saved, then at the tap of a button at the top right corner swrich between different arti sets (some way to stop actives being switched, perhaps?)

youre only the 5th person to suggest this :)

and since great minds think alike, it must be a great idea!
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