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True fog like in civ games?: 2023-05-20 21:47:50

Alphazomgy (Warzone's Best Marketer)
Level 61
Any chance we can get that, along with a randomly generated map?

Look here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeIJY8gUijk

Edited 5/20/2023 23:11:13
True fog like in civ games?: 2023-05-20 22:05:26

Level 60
can you be a bit more descriptive about true fog? I have no idea of what it would be.
True fog like in civ games?: 2023-05-20 22:10:05

Level 63
There are several settings for fog, what is closest, what is missing and why would it be a good thing?
True fog like in civ games?: 2023-05-20 22:11:31

Alphazomgy (Warzone's Best Marketer)
Level 61
Look here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeIJY8gUijk

guys, I mean like in civ... have none of you ever played a game of civ? The map is obscured so you can only see the territory closest to your territory, you have no idea if there is land, water, etc, beyond what you can see.

Edited 5/20/2023 22:12:08
True fog like in civ games?: 2023-05-20 22:14:10

Level 51
...heavy fog

but i assume you might also mean fogging out the areas that are not marked as territories
True fog like in civ games?: 2023-05-20 23:10:55

Alphazomgy (Warzone's Best Marketer)
Level 61
dude, watch the video. Heavy fog still shows the bonuses and territories, actual "fog" in civ makes the entire map invisible except for what is within your "line of sight".

So you have no idea what the map is, how many territories there are, how much each bonus is worth, etc.
True fog like in civ games?: 2023-05-20 23:12:07

Level 63
thats an interesting idea, but how would that work with just looking up the map on the map mape?
True fog like in civ games?: 2023-05-20 23:24:13

Alphazomgy (Warzone's Best Marketer)
Level 61
JK, the map could easily be hidden from being viewed in the settings. I guess maybe only the host could know OR they could select an option to use a "randomly generated map" and they could designate that they want it to be whichever size........
True fog like in civ games?: 2023-05-21 01:21:26

Level 63
Looking into a way to generate random maps that balanced is actually a great idea
True fog like in civ games?: 2023-05-21 01:26:42

Level 60
but players familiar wirh the map will get an unfair advantage. for example if they are all hexagons? then anyone who did SASC strategies or stuff like that would instant recognise it was hex earth
therefore it is necessary for there to be a randomly generated ai map

Edited 5/21/2023 01:27:06
True fog like in civ games?: 2023-05-21 10:42:12

waffle 1.0 
Level 56
Randomly generated maps sound fun, even though I'm not sure how doable that actually is. Seems complicated to set that up.
A somewhat related thought I had would be to have the option to hide the "custom scenario" menu from players, but I know this could be very easily abused. I wish it was possible sometimes though, to not make custom scenarios effectively no fog at the start
True fog like in civ games?: 2023-05-21 11:07:51

Level 55
True fog like in civ games? [...] along with a randomly generated map?

▶ Randomly generated maps sounds fun. I don't know if it will be hard to do but it should be possible to do it like this;

1) Maps can be separated into hexagonal chunks (lets say 16 chunks for a small map, 36 chunks for normal map, 64 chunks for a big map).
2) Each chunk will either be a bonus or non-bonus (like sea, but with 0-1 connector to connect it with other chunks).
3) If the chunk is a bonus, size will be randomly determined between 3 to 6 (Size 3 will have 5 territories, Size 4 will have 6 territories, Size 5 will have 7 territories, Size 6 will have 8 territories)
4) There will be pre-determined borders for the territories within Bonus/Chunks, one of that predetermined borders will be applied to that chunk randomly
5) Each touching territory borders will automatically have connectors (to connect territories within different chunks)
6) That's it, players will randomly distributed and game will start

▶ Fizzer can also add new type of fog called "Chaotic Fog" just for randomly generated map (it will function like normal fog, but in normal fog, you can still see the map outline, in chaotic fog, you won't be able to see map outline. Hence, chaotic)
True fog like in civ games?: 2023-05-21 11:24:22

Level 55
I can make it myself actually. I just need to;

1) Develop a platform with above mentioned rules
2) Develop 10 unique territory patterns for each bonus size (I can later increase that number)
3) Develop 10 unique territory patterns for each non-bonus type (Sea/Mountain/Desert/Forest)
4) I'll make a randomly generated seed (set of numbers that determines how the map will look)
5) Covert that seed manually to a map on Inkscape & post the resulting randomly generated map here

PS: It may require too much effort than my laziness can handle, but I'll try to generate one. If anybody wants to help, it'll be appreciated
True fog like in civ games?: 2023-05-21 18:12:04

Alphazomgy (Warzone's Best Marketer)
Level 61
Very impressive Veravari. In theory, if Elder Scrolls Daggerfall had this technology in the 1990s, surely Warzone can use it in 2023?
True fog like in civ games?: 2023-05-21 18:23:40

waffle 1.0 
Level 56
William Duan has generated maps with code before (e.g. 400-4000), dunno to which extent, so you could maybe ask him how he did it. Honestly, converting the seed into a map on inkscape manually sounds like a lot of work
True fog like in civ games?: 2023-05-21 20:33:45

Level 55
@waffle 1.0
▶ I have no idea who William Duan

Day #1: Chunks - https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/466684041190572032/1109940814869692476/image.png

Description: White square is the map borders, hexagons are the chunks (made them colourful so that chunks will be easier to see)

Goal for Tomorrow: Make sample chunks for wastelands on a different layer

Note to Self: Each type of wasteland will have their own unique property;

1) Sea (Blue): Connects to all surrounding territories. Have 5 times more than average neutral army count (because ships are expensive, but once you invest, you can move quickly to anywhere you want)
2) Forest (Green): Connects to most surrounding territories & you'll move slightly slower. Have 3 times more than average neutral army count (because there are bandits you'll fight & you can't move your army quickly due to high number of trees)
3) Desert (Yellow): Connects to some surrounding territories & you'll move even slower. Have average neutral army count (because its harder to move in desert due to heat, you can only move through certain paths having fresh water, but there no expense or no bandits so you'll face less resistance)
4) Mountain (Red): Connects to few surrounding territories & you'll move slowest. No neutral army but at the end of every turn, 10% of all non-neutral armies will be killed. (because there are few passages in mountains, you have to move very carefully/slowly to not fall, still some of the army will die due to falling)

Edited 5/21/2023 21:02:16
True fog like in civ games?: 2023-05-22 02:11:30

Alphazomgy (Warzone's Best Marketer)
Level 61
True fog like in civ games?: 2023-05-22 08:05:17

Level 63
It’s definitely possible to make automated maps but only simple ones with one standard shape, like a square, circular, rectangle and hexagon. Anything beyond that is really complicated.

For the ‘standard shape’ implementation, you only need to know number of territories to make. Map details can easily be calculated from that.
Anything else you need to generate point positions (for curved lines it’s maths that I don’t understand) and prevent random territory overlaps.
If any art is added then deciding where to put it will be difficult to decide. How would a river or lake be different from a territory? They both have points which form a complete shape.

I’ve automated making scrabble maps before https://www.warzone.com/Forum/648528-scrabble-map-template.
True fog like in civ games?: 2023-05-22 09:52:43

Level 55
I’ve automated making scrabble maps before

▶ Cool! Mine is slightly more ambitious, Chunks will have simple geometric shape (hexagons for now) but I want territories to be smooth. When chunks connect, it will looks discrete for now, but I might try to make is smoother in the future. For now, my only objective is to make a randomly generated map. If I can do it, then I can start working on improving it

Edit: When I make a decent randomly generated map, I'll present it to Fizzer. If he's interested in the idea and wants to implement it, I can work more on the project to make it even better

Edited 5/22/2023 09:54:27
True fog like in civ games?: 2023-05-22 10:30:11

Level 63
You'll probably find this useful https://www.w3schools.com/graphics/svg_intro.asp
Might find bits of https://github.com/DanWaLes/DanWaLes.github.io/tree/master/scrabble_map_template useful as well if you wanted to copy anything
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