Make ladder proposals have a search function: 2023-05-31 01:53:27 |

Pink Velvet
Level 60
So I was about to ladder with Farah on 2v2 ladder... and I have over 2000 friends and realized there's no search function so I have to scroll through 52 pages to find Farah and create the proposal.
I've already searched through half of the pages with ctrl + f and while it's not IMPOSSIBLE to find him by any means, it'd definitely be a lot easier to have the search function back so I could simply type a friend's name in and they'll pop up immediately in the list.
I could have sworn proposals had a search feature before, so I'm confused why it was removed? Also the reason I have soooo many friends is because for the longest time everyone who joined my games would automatically go on my friends list. >_>
Edited 5/31/2023 01:54:28
Make ladder proposals have a search function: 2023-05-31 12:21:55 |

Level 63
Your first mistake was trying to ladder with farah
Make ladder proposals have a search function: 2023-05-31 14:03:34 |

Pink Velvet
Level 60
He's not a boot brother anymore and neither are you xD