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ladder boot time!: 2023-06-02 12:00:55

Level 60
People who play ladder, how do you manage your time playing ladder
ladder boot time!: 2023-06-02 12:08:02

Level 55
▶ I wake up early, since ladder is a cool mental exercise for me to start the day, I think about the map, moves, predictions etc while still on the bed. Make my move, get up, prepare breakfast, small exercise while breakfast getting ready, eat, start working (play small, non-ladder games at breaks). After work, I check the ladder again, make my moves, do other stuff, sleep.

▶ I wake up even earlier, do the same stuff (except breakfast & exercise are more rushed/skipped)
ladder boot time!: 2023-06-02 12:13:03

Level 60
Ladder worsens your already rushed situation.
+1 for 3 day boot!
ladder boot time!: 2023-06-02 12:40:56

Nice Guy 
Level 62
So far in elo hell in 2v2 so I can't tell.
ladder boot time!: 2023-06-02 13:29:14

Level 62

Join the ladder hoping for the best. Have a quick breakfast then go to the market. Do some gardening in the morning with the kids then have a beer in the afternoon and watch a game. Make an early dinner so I can get the kids to bed early. Three ladder games were created and await my picks. This will take a bit of time as I am a perfectionist...everything I do is calculated.


Get up around 6 am with my son. Watch some Youtube and we both eat breakfast. Need to be dressed and ready by 7:15am to drop the kids off and go to work. Get to work late as usual then sit at the computer for a while doing nothing. Lunch time rolls around and I end up buying a lunch as I forgot to pack one earlier. Waste more time then its the end of the day. Time to go home and enjoy family time. Make a quick dinner and play outside for a while. 9pm approaches and its bed time for the kids. I stay up a bit later doing nothing of significance. I have now entered banked time. Like I said before, perfection takes time.


This is pretty much a rinse and repeat of Monday. Few details change but its a new day! Spend some time talking to coworkers and then get a bit of work done. Do a bit of reading and time to go buy lunch again. End of the day approaches and I head home to the family once again. Make a frozen pizza since I am crunched for time. Watch half a movie with the family and then its time for bed. Lay in bed and play a makeover game on my phone. Pass out 5 minutes into this.


Wake up at 6am and I am booted from all games. Time to take surrender tutorial.

This is how I handle it but everyone is different. Good luck.
ladder boot time!: 2023-06-02 14:12:04

Level 60
I was not expected detailed schedule. But yes, i agree with @jefferspin

+1 for 3 day boot! Total in this thread: 2

Edited 6/2/2023 14:15:30
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