I'm going to ask some AI programs to design WZ games for me, games which should be fun and strategic (and perhaps also unique).
Here's the first, Bing AI (i'll do more in the future:
So, naturally, at first, I asked for the map and number of players first.
….that’s just not true. The Europe map has 206 territories and 32 bonuses. 42 territories and 6 bonuses is
Small Earth. That’s confusing. Let’s ask again to clarify.
alright, let’s just carry on with the Europe map then, lol.
I then asked it for a number of players, and a team division.
Is it just trying to recreate the 3v3 ladder template or what? Let’s stay tuned to find out. I can’t wait. Fixed or
Can’t find a flaw in that logic.
It tells me not to use mods for now. Fair enough. Now let’s get the boot settings. It says to leave them as is
for now as well. I’m afraid it could just suggest to leave
everything as is, so I adopt a different approach and ask what settings it’d like to include.
But all that did for now is that it told me to have a fog of war, and to have it set to Normal, which, well, isn’t
very innovative.
So I ask for the territory settings.
Okay, this is different, I guess. Sure, let’s do this.
…sure? Although only 3 wastelands is pretty odd.
Let’s see what cards it will suggest.
All cards it is. With default settings too, because that’s what Bing said. Interesting… now let’s get the final
details for the card settings.
Nothing particularly wild here. Let’s move on.
So far, Bing mostly adopts an “all-or-nothing” approach.
(had to start a new convo at this point, but it also said to include one army must stand guard)
I went for 15%, annoyingly Bing refused to make a decision. I had to go for a roundabout way of making it
suggest something (the preferences are “strategic” and “fun”)
Then it recommended an extra army for 4 territories, nothing outrageous. But then… this?
I don’t think it quite understands, but sure. Army cap at 210 or something.
Sounds like a lot of work. I don’t really want to do this. (lol)
Sounds good, let’s do it then.
Gotcha. I’ll alternate between -1 and -2 for every bonus.
And that concludes the settings for the Bing AI game. I’ll be making a tournament on it and post it below.
ChatGPT is next, then maybe I’ll do a few more. Join the tourney if you wish, and stay tuned!
Edited 6/3/2023 14:44:39