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Harmony are recruiting!: 2023-06-06 07:10:10

Level 61
Harmony are looking to strengthen their Clan Wars squad. We have a strong core of dedicated players, but we understand that we lack depth. Thus, we are opening our doors to any active players that are willing to play around 70% of days in a season or more. We are open to accepting alts into our CW squad if you do not wish to leave your current clan.

That’s only regarding players for our CW squad, if you are simply looking for a clan that suits you well, I can promise you that Harmony is best. We have the biggest, most active, and most fun community in Warzone.

Our Clan Chat is very active and often more pleasurable than Global Chat. If you wish to socialise or share your Warzone accomplishments, there will always be someone to talk to or cheer you on. We also have many players who use their accounts just to fill clan requests in Idle, so you never have to wait long to receive support.

We have weekly strategic tournaments, exclusive to Harmony members, that always get 40+ participants. We also have a “Seasonal Finale” for the best performers in these tournaments that has a real money prize pool.

We are in a high division in Clan League with many talented players to fill our roster. These talented players also provide personal coaching to anyone who wishes to improve. If you wish to improve your skill in Idle, we also have very knowledgeable and experienced Idle players.

You have no obligations or requirements as a Harmony member. There are no strings attached, so you can leave at any point if you don’t like it here.

If you wish to join Harmony, either as a casual member or to be in our Clan Wars squad, please feel free to send me a mail or simply reply to this thread.

If you have any questions about Harmony, I am willing to answer them. Please ask below.
Harmony are recruiting!: 2023-06-06 07:14:57

Level 62
In which way is Harmony different from a cult?
Harmony are recruiting!: 2023-06-06 07:16:55

Level 59
Well for one, cults generally don't use the royal "we."
- downvoted post by VERAVARI
Harmony are recruiting!: 2023-06-06 12:53:12

Level 62
Is Harmony plural? Shouldn't it be "Harmony is recruiting!"? Who spell checked this? WarTog?
Harmony are recruiting!: 2023-06-06 13:10:38

Level 61
The plural is harmonies.

Like the four part harmonies in songs by The Beatles.

Edited 6/6/2023 13:10:50
Harmony are recruiting!: 2023-06-06 13:12:28

Level 61
We use the Royal we because I am from England, where The King lives.
Harmony are recruiting!: 2023-06-06 13:16:45

Level 62
Renames thread "Harmony am recruiting!"

Better now, fixed it.
Harmony are recruiting!: 2023-06-06 13:25:40

Level 62
Harmony pros:
-They regularly finish top 5 in Clan Wars and they are in 1 of the top 2 Clan League Divisions (only 1 other clan can say this at the moment 😀)

Harmony cons:
-It takes them nearly a Cats-sized roster to accomplish this
-They still haven't reached top 2 in clan wars after their infamous thread
-They won't stop asking me to join their clan, truly the MLM clan of warzone

Edited 6/6/2023 13:25:50
Harmony are recruiting!: 2023-06-06 13:27:15

Level 53
cults do not have cookies and snacks

Harmony are recruiting!: 2023-06-06 13:34:19

Level 62
Actually, in terms of active players Harmony is nearly twice as big as Cats.
Harmony are recruiting!: 2023-06-06 13:35:12

Level 63
Harmony are recruiting. Harmony is the best. Which one is it??! Are or is?????
Harmony are recruiting!: 2023-06-06 13:36:32

Level 61
Would a cult give foot massages and a 1 minute WarTog tickle coupon to every new member?

I called it “Harmony are recruiting!” on purpose to mimic the “Myth Busters are recruiting!” thread.

Optimum are great too, but there’s more to the game than winning. So I can promise that there is no clan in the game that enhances your experience and makes it more fun than Harmony.
Harmony are recruiting!: 2023-06-06 13:37:32

Level 63
Harmony pros: filled with cuties like wartog and texxtical
Have inclan events and the most lively community in Warzone
Dedicated group of managers who want to help you enjoy your Warzone experience
Get to play with one of the better players on the site Bechaa

Harmony cons: if you’re not in harmony you probably will think of a lot, but truly, it’s a perfect place
Harmony are recruiting!: 2023-06-06 13:38:13

Level 61
Thanks Tacky! <3
Harmony are recruiting!: 2023-06-06 14:51:42

Level 16
Hi! Harmony seems like a nice community!
May I join, please?
Harmony are recruiting!: 2023-06-07 16:14:04

Level 65
Why should we harm Ony anyways?
Harmony are recruiting!: 2023-06-15 01:59:53

Orcinus orca
Level 60
If I beat Texx in a Bof11 would he leave Harmony and join OP?
- downvoted post by 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375
Harmony are recruiting!: 2023-06-15 02:09:28

Level 61
Orcus, if I interpret it correctly, are you challenging me to a best of 11?
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