I am running this league, but the panel is voting on all important matters. The templates were voted on by clan leaders of all teams in Division A. We may give a template vote to the winners of B, C, D next season.
Scoring/recaps will be done by Ineffable/Lolowut/Wakanarai I hope.
As i will not play, i will give a suggestion: add no luck cycle moves in all templates. If you think in teamgames would make games too complex, add it only for 1v1s. Less luck should be an important update.
I would say over half of them are no luck and I don't think any are %16 WR, so there are no obscure attacks allowed. Any changes must be voted on by all clan leaders in A, so that will happen again for next season.
None are cyclical, that again would need to be voted on. I'm not sure managers would want that or not.
Strat ME 1v1 0%SR ---> No Luck to fit the coin games imo. Otherwise we keep the rest of the templates. No Luck wasn't an option before, but that's what I think all of us wanted when we voted on it.
We have that now Lolo. Only thing that template does not have is cyclical move order. If all the managers in A want it, we can certainly make it happen.
Why would pick based on join order be desired in clan league? I would personally vote against that, but would be fine with getting rid of random move order in there.
my bad, not join order but pick order. It's completely fair even with vacations. You can time your vacation to be before or after the pick stage. You can decide whether you want 1st pick or last pick depending on your thoughts on the board once it's out. Sometimes 2nd pick will allow you an advantage, but 1st pick can give you just as much of an advantage depending on the order both people choose.
But still, lets say you go on vacation after joining. everyone else makes picks, so you get last pick basically. Like I said, if everyone wants it I am cool with that in solo...not sure I like the idea in team games like gnuff said. don't want to rush coordination of picks. But it would require a vote of A managers to make that change. it might be best to get that into league 7, where we can propose that for many more templates if you want.
Templates have already been voted on. No luck is not a must have setting. I agree with seriously considering it for next season but to change it would require a revote (plenty of players would not want no luck) and at this point, it's not worth the extra delay in my opinion.
The only thing that could be changed on templates without a vote would be changing strategic 1v1 to 0% weighted rather than 16% weighted. This may already be done and if it isn't, I suggest it to be changed. I have yet to meet a player who would prefer 16% weighted. 0% weighted still adds a bit of luck and doesn't depend as much on calculations like 0% straight round does, but it takes out the weird attacks. I haven't checked the settings lately; this may already be changed.
Just my opinions; Chris is in charge and he has the power to do as he sees fit to make the clan league as fun and competitive as possible.
you may don't know how no luck cyle moves work in picking stage: assuming all 3 player of team A pick BEFORE of all player of team B, team will get 1st 4th and 5th picks, team B 2nd 4rd and 6th. (exactly, a team cannot take 1st AND 2nd pick for example) And to be honest, looking about the template are used for manager League, i would rather let pick other team 1st in purpose, as you cannot take anyway a FTB with one pick only. Better have 2/3/6 than 1/4/5 IMO.
@Gnuffone, if that's true, then that seems to be another reason not to have it in a competitive multi-day event, especially if it allows vacations. We don't want to create a situation where slowing down the tournaments can give you a competitive advantage.