And we have our first and potentially last elimination game as I have to win to force a game 11 or play a season of CW for Harmony.
Maybe it is time to reevaluate the rewards for the winner? Since when the bet was set, a lot has changed in CW and clan meta.
If Texx wins, sending Orcus to Harmony looks like a lose-lose scenario:
- Optimum is going solid top-2, so that will be a straight coin loss for him.
- Currently, Harmony CW roster is so full, that their managers decide to (or have to) play for CW in other clans in order to free the roster for everybody who want to try CW. So sending Orcus to Harmony will just strip one more roster slot from genuine clan members.
Maybe change the rewards for "the winner gets to play in Optimum for 1 season and the loser goes to Harmony"? Sending Texx to Optimum would be a win-win scenario: more coins for him (which he can funnel to Harmony tournaments) and a free roster slot for Hamony members.
PS. I am open to anyone from MB to challenge me to a bo-11 with the "loser goes to opposite clan for 1 CW season" reward.
Edited 9/8/2023 21:08:05