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Help me pick which items to upgrade and sacrifice: 2023-08-08 15:51:36

Level 65
Hello everybody! I already asked for help in my previous clan but I have forgotten some of their advice and changed clans so I do not think I can access to the thread already. I know some threads like this already exist so I'm grateful in advance for the players who will take the time to give me advice and, if possible, briefly explain their advice. If you could use the less specialized linguo possible and explain thing clearly that would help me understand as well as apply your advice. Thank you very much!

Here are my artifacts:

Army Camp Boost

Territory Money Boost
Mine Boost
Mine Discount
Army Camp Discount
Mercenary Discount
Draft Boost
Item Values
Alloy Values
Ore Values
Triple Strike
Hospital Boost
Money Cache Boost
Resource Cache
Time Warp

Supercharge Army Camp
Resource Cache Boost
Army Cache Boost
Hospital Discount
Quadruple Strike
Idle Time

From what I understood, my priorities are to get Supercharge Army Camp to epic and then legendary, and to get Alloy Values to legendary. I want to sacrifice hospital discount, quadruple strike and idle time to upgrade Supercharge Army Camp, but I want to keep Resource Cache Boost and Army Cache Boost (maybe it's dumb).
To get Alloy Values to legendary, I want to sacrifice Triple Strike (maybe that's dumb), Resource Cache and Time Warp but I want to keep all others at the moment.

I have not been the most efficient AT ALL at this idle game, playing it very nonchalantly for 80% of the time (I think i've ascended like 3 or 4 times maybe? and at first I put my AP kind of at random). I'm being more efficient now but I still don't want to be spending more than a few dozen minutes each day playing it, sometimes just 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes in the evening.
My usual strategy is: when idle, having Army Camp Boost, Territory Money Boost and Mine Boost; when active, using Hospital Boost and whichever of the cache boost is useful (money/resource/army).
I was told to use the triple strike one but I rarely do, if ever.

I'm listening to your advice! Sorry it was all a bit long.
Help me pick which items to upgrade and sacrifice: 2023-08-08 16:01:05

Level 60
Get legendary Alloy values ASAP (sacrifice: Resource Cache, Army Camp Discount, Mine Boost, Mine Discount)

Then one of those to legendary:
- Army Cache Boost (my top-tier recommendation)
- Time Warp (and this one is top-tier too)
- Triple Strike
- Supercharge Army Camp (I would not recommend this one, but some choose it)

Then you probably superascend with 3 legendaries.

Edited 8/8/2023 16:06:10
Help me pick which items to upgrade and sacrifice: 2023-08-08 16:11:04

Level 65
Thank you for your advice but do you think it suits my playing style? I think that with Time Warp & Triple Strike you want to play often and check maps to optimize your strategy and so on. For someone who wants to idly play Idle Warzone, is it worth it?
Help me pick which items to upgrade and sacrifice: 2023-08-08 16:11:32

Level 60
honestly market strat takes 30min-1h of active time so at your pace, that's 3-6 days which is better than any camp strat. Time Warp is just free idle time for camp strat, and instant hosp upgrade for market strat. TS has a cooldown of 16h like any other active, so if you're inactive you actually use it more. otherwise how long you gonna take trying to get the 421B Puchevzksy territory?

Edited 8/8/2023 16:13:14
Help me pick which items to upgrade and sacrifice: 2023-08-08 16:13:44

Level 60
@5s how is legendary TW good?

sorry for double post I thought wismer already replied

@jk ok

leg army camp boost is only useful for battles tbh

Edited 8/8/2023 16:15:41
Help me pick which items to upgrade and sacrifice: 2023-08-08 16:14:53

Level 63
reduces cooldown of artifacts and speeds up digs

also useful for battles
Help me pick which items to upgrade and sacrifice: 2023-08-08 16:16:53

Level 63
For someone who wants to idly play Idle Warzone, is it worth it?

As someone who also idles in idle, Alloy Value is also worth it, the money you get from it allows you to buy whatever you want.

Most people spend all their money on hospitals and mercenaries, but if you want to play slower and go for full techs, that money also buys a lot of mine and army camp upgrades :)
Help me pick which items to upgrade and sacrifice: 2023-08-08 16:19:03

Level 65
Thank you very much guys for your answers and explanations.
Help me pick which items to upgrade and sacrifice: 2023-08-08 16:26:31

Level 60
Alloy Values - is currently the best universal artifact for any strategy. It allows getting a lot of money and money solve all the problems in Idle.

The other 4 artifacts are indeed dependent on style. ACacheB - is the most universal.
But If you check Idle not often and plan to play each level for more than a day, you might better choose Triple Strike. The multiple uses of TS are better per level, than ACacheB.
Help me pick which items to upgrade and sacrifice: 2023-08-08 16:53:32

[V.I.W] recruiting time! Join us !
Level 65
Time Warp and Alloy value for me are the tier1 artifacts.

then it depends.

Army Cache Boost is good in some levels.
Help me pick which items to upgrade and sacrifice: 2023-08-09 13:21:32

Level 65
So I've applied your advice and now I have/will have when upgrade is done:
Army Camp Boost
Alloy Values

Epic (I've ranked them from what i understand is best to worst)
Army Cache Boost
Time Warp
Triple Strike
Mercenary Discount
Draft Boost
Territory Money Boost
Hospital Boost
Ore Values
Money Cache Boost
Item Values

Supercharge Army Camp
Bonus Money Boost

My priority now should be to should try and get Supercharge Army Camp to epic, and then to legendary?
What epic items should I sacrifice? Item Values, Ore Values and Money Cache Boost? Then I don't really know which one is the most disposable out of Territory Money Boost, Mercenary Discount, Draft Boost, Triple Strike
and Hospital Boost. Or should I wait to get another epic?
Help me pick which items to upgrade and sacrifice: 2023-08-09 23:09:01

Level 61
I think the tier list looks something like this

S Tier:
Alloy Values
Army Cache Boost

A Tier:
Time Warp
Supercharge Army Camp
Army Camp Boost

B Tier:
Cache Boost
Hospital Boost

C Tier:
Merc Discount
Triple / Quad Strike
Item Values
Bonus Money Boost

This partly depends on playstyle and partly depends on rarity (e.g. SAC is an amazing ‘Poor’ artifact, Hospital Boost is a terrible ‘Insane’ artifact) but it should be broadly accurate.

I personally don’t bother with anything below the B tier here but there absolutely situational uses for these (e.g. Triple Strike on Hardened Europe Huge, Item Values for markets without alloys, Bonus Money Boost for challenge levels).

I would suggest to get four Legendaries from the top 5 based on whatever excites you the most. Doubling the efficacy of one good artifact is going to outperform five bad ones.
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