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Evidence of FTW and GN Using Alts and Rigging CW: 2023-08-26 11:21:07

Level 59

You should be more respectful towards Fizzer and his moderation team. Calling them "toxic" is not helpful. As far as I am aware, Warzone rules are applied equally to all offending players. You have violated a high amount of rules and ignored your previous warnings, so it's reasonable for someone like Fizzer to try to permanently ban you. Try to be more diplomatic with your words, insulting others only makes their opinion of you worsen.

In case you haven't realized, your actions have affected hundreds of players in a negative light. Due to your actions certain clans missed out on their Clan Wars rewards, either by getting less territories or getting lower rankings at the end of season. It took weeks of investigation for moderators/administrators/Fizzer to track your activities and determine the full scale of your schemes. That's time that could be spent bettering Warzone community and many missed opportunities to spend time with friends and relatives.

All you've done is to earn coins without giving Warzone any actual revenue in the process. Because getting coins cost you nothing, you spending those coins did not mean anything. You watching ads was not helpful either, because the point of them is for you to go and purchase something. If not a single person would purchase advertised items, Fizzer would be having great difficulty making any money through advertisements. You also set a bad example for others, if others would start using your methods, coin purchases would drop further and you could potentially make Fizzer go bankrupt.

This is how I think you could handle your situation:
  • Stay away from any coin fraud. We're watching you very carefully and are implementing automated methods for fraud detection. The more time you spend abiding Warzone rules, the more forgiving Warzone administrators might become.
  • Stay silent and keep low profile for a while. If you stay away from Warzone for a few years, less people might be looking for you.
  • Make actual coin purchases with your real world currency. This way you'd actually begin earning profits for Fizzer and it could make him see you in a better light.

If you want to deal with your posts getting deleted, you could try to archive them like this https://archive.is/KUVZE Search online "Archive Today" and then copy paste your link to that thread. It will permanently preserve your message. Whenever your message gets deleted, you can show others the link of your message.

Also keep in mind that Fizzer doesn't want any public activity coming out of you. You should not be surprised if any of your future accounts/posts get deleted. Fizzer and administrators will be much happier if they don't have to go out of their way to continuously delete your posts/accounts.
Evidence of FTW and GN Using Alts and Rigging CW: 2023-08-26 12:49:24

Level 58
This is how I think you could handle your situation:

  • Stay away from any coin fraud. We're watching you very carefully and are implementing automated methods for fraud detection. The more time you spend abiding Warzone rules, the more forgiving Warzone administrators might become.
  • Stay silent and keep low profile for a while. If you stay away from Warzone for a few years, less people might be looking for you.
  • Make actual coin purchases with your real world currency. This way you'd actually begin earning profits for Fizzer and it could make him see you in a better light.

This is all so extremely well written on the one hand and on the other hand makes like no sense at all.

@NONO / YESYES: Do not spend real world money on a game you are banned from, this is the worst advice ever.
Evidence of FTW and GN Using Alts and Rigging CW: 2023-08-26 13:42:39

Level 59
You should politely contact Fizzer directly at fizzer@warzone.com. There's not really anything left to discuss about the matter that's appropriate for a forum thread.
Evidence of FTW and GN Using Alts and Rigging CW: 2023-08-26 14:00:14

Level 59
NONO today:

Instead of contacting me via PM and presenting the evidence you had collected...

NONO 12 days ago:

innocent until proven guilty.

There was no point in private talks, because you were denying your guilt. We've already had a private investigation before and it didn't lead to enough evidence, therefore it was decided to open a public thread and rally the Warzone community to help us gather more proof of your wrong doings.

Then you present me with a "plea bargain"

Everything that you were asked to do was going to help lower your odds of getting permanent suspension. Your unapologetic toxic behavior is only making moderation staff more opposed to you. You stand to gain nothing by making public arguments.

I know a lot of facts to the opposite, but will not go into details here.

If you know so many rule breakers, why don't you expose them then? It could help you to get your own punishment softened.

Commercial value of this enterprise is mainly determined by #of players / accounts and activity / #of ads watched (there is compensation also without following purchases).

So according to your logic if each player had ~100 alts, Fizzer would me making ~100 times more revenue? If the amount of real humans playing Warzone don't matter, then why doesn't Fizzer make a few million fake accounts?

I have no technical or other problem at all to play conceiled in the underground. I must even admi that I even find some aspects of playing hide and seek almost as thrilling, entertaining and amusing as actual gameplay itself.

You're not going to get your old accounts unbanned with mindset like that. And as for your future accounts, you're only going to motivate mods/admins/Fizzer to work harder than ever before to bring justice to you.

As evidenced with this account, I have no technical or other problem at all to play conceiled in the underground. I must even admi that I even find some aspects of playing hide and seek almost as thrilling, entertaining and amusing as actual gameplay itself. And I've already learned a lot of things previously unknown to me about VPNs and privacy protection on the internet.

So are you trying to tell Warzone moderators that you can do anything you want to and there's no way for you to be stopped?

I have received maximum punishment for my transgressions already (e.g. loss of 2 years idle progress), so past is definitely checked off.

You're in no position to decide so. This is Fizzer's game, his rules and only he can decide if he has forgiven you. If Fizzer wants to ban you, he can do so and there's nothing you can do about it. You angering Warzone moderation team further is only going to paint a bigger target on your back.

I would prefer to play as a regular player, within rules, in a regular clan, so I can play unencumbered with clanmates and buddies.

You already expressed such interest in the past. Why exactly should everyone else believe that you got no plans to resume your coin fraud and Clan Wars rigging?

Choice in which of the 2 ways I'll be present here in future is Fizzers' now.

Are you planning to go to war with Fizzer?
Evidence of FTW and GN Using Alts and Rigging CW: 2023-08-26 14:46:37

Level 59
as long as folks like l4v.r0v are officially allowed to be in the game, so should i. actually more so.

Can you name me what rule violations l4v.r0v has committed? Can you also provide evidence of him doing so?

downvoting does not help you guys.

People are downvoting you because nobody likes you. You've set your reputation on fire in last couple weeks NONO. It's in your best interest to go quiet and hope that everyone forgets your past.

currently fizzer is at war with me.

You started the "war", you're the one who broke Warzone rules and cheated. Fizzer is not intimidated by you and you trying to antagonize him more is only going to make things worse for you.

he can contact me privately. i'm not going to write to him.

Who do you think you are to make such demands of Fizzer?
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