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Reviving Real Time Diplo Games!: 2023-08-20 20:04:19

Level 55
The title is real, and I am committed to it. There used to be a time where Real Time Diplomacy Games were everywhere, and it was some of the most fun I have had on this website. You had all the fun of an RTS game, combined with interacting with your fellow man, all on WarZone(then known as Warlight).

However nowadays...these are a rare sight. And it is not just RT Diplo games. Diplomacy itself has taken a hit, with many great players slowly retiring. The quality of games has taken a hit as well, and the player counts are dropping, hard. It takes weeks, sometimes months to host a single MD game. As someone who has been making these for such a long time, it hurts.

But I want to change all of that. I want a world where diplo games are hosted regularly, are of quality, and are a fun experience for all. I want a world where Real Time diplo games are back in style, where players can again enjoy them not just every week, but every day. And if I have to shill for them daily, if I have to be the one making them every single day, I say so be it.

So I tell you all, if you want RT games to return, if you want QUALITY diplo games, I will do my best to make that dream come true. I am organizing my own clan(Polandball, yes that dead meme from 2016), to be a safe haven for RT games, and MD games.
I have also created a Discord for the clan, which is also available to non members who simply wish to get pinged for and join games hosted by the clan.

If you are interested, I suggest joining the clan, or joining the Discord server. I am hosting the clan's first RT game this Saturday, so make sure not to miss that.

I am also interested in making a tutorial for how to make and host quality games, so more and more of the games we see are of good quality. I can also help you make a good diplo from scratch, as I have already done with many others. You heard me right, if you want help with making a good diplo game, I can be your man, and I will do it free of charge for the community.

If you want to see my templates for yourself to judge their quality, here you go:

Again, join the clan if you are interested! We accept mostly everyone that plays diplo games! In 24 hours we already got about 10 new members, and who knows how many will join tomorrow! Send me a mail, reply to this forum, or message me on Discord(reichtanglewarzone) and I will send you an invite!

As for the Discord server, you can join by clicking this link:

The Polandball Clan and associated Discord Server will become a safe haven for quality Diplo games, and from it the ancient art of The Real Time Diplo will be revived.

We must all work together for this goal. So join the Discord, and join the clan. Together, we can revive the world of quality Real Time Diplomacy games. And together we will create an age of gaming glory, where even one player can host their own game and get 15+ quality players in less than an hour/day. Where the world comes together to bring a new age of quality games. An age where people no longer have to ask: "where are the quality games?" But can answer: "no need to search for them, because all the games are of quality."

So rise up all those who wish for the revival of quality games, for I ask you for your help to create that which I, and many others, desire.
I must say, I have been playing on Warzone for about 8 years now, 7 on this account, I have hosted many games, played many games, but nothing compares to the fun of Real Time Diplo games. This is my personal crusade, and I hope you all join me on my quest for the revival of quality games, and the glory of the Real Time setting in Warlight itself.

So join now. Rejoin the old wars. Take part in an age of glory. And may we forever hold a place in our hearts for the great and legendary games of yore.

Reviving Real Time Diplo Games!: 2023-08-20 20:29:05

Level 60
What is your opinion, what is the reason why Diplo activity and games count have taken a hit?

What will be changed by your initiative, that would revive the diplo scene? (so far I see the point of smth like "I will make quality diplo games for a closed community", is that all?)
Reviving Real Time Diplo Games!: 2023-08-20 20:30:00

Level 58
murder people who say no
- downvoted post by Justin
Reviving Real Time Diplo Games!: 2023-08-20 20:38:48

Level 55
It is simple. There are less players than before, and its harder to get enough people together for a game. If most good players are notified when a game starts, or know in advance, games will fill faster, and those that do not fill, now will.

And I have been doing this for a very long while, and already have made diplo templates for other people numerus times over the span of several years. I can teach others how to make good games, I have done it many times. The more good games there are, the more other players will be attracted to the diplo game mode as well. We need other people to see that diplo games are fun and of quality, and we need to ensure most or all games are of quality, and not low effort.

And nothing in my statement at all says anything about a "closed community", I literally stated that people who don't want to join the clan are welcome to join the discord. Even then, even if I have somehow get enough players to only make invite only games, I still would not only make such games. If I only made those, I would never find new talent, and we would run into problems again really quick. So that is not the goal.
Reviving Real Time Diplo Games!: 2023-08-20 20:44:12

Level 62
If you need someone to create the games with mods I'm not making use of the weekly games free for non-members lately, so you can ask me and I'm sure others can create them too.
Reviving Real Time Diplo Games!: 2023-08-20 21:01:02

Level 55
Thanks for the offer, I'll remember it and keep it in mind.
Reviving Real Time Diplo Games!: 2023-08-20 21:03:37

Level 58
"Diplo cannot die fast enough if you ask me" - stefano like 5 min ago
"I mean, the more I play diplos the less I see the point" - also stefano like 5 min ago
Reviving Real Time Diplo Games!: 2023-08-20 21:05:02

Level 62
True, that does not mean I can't offer to create the game so non-members can benefit from mods more.
Reviving Real Time Diplo Games!: 2023-08-20 21:09:31

Level 58
Please invite me to the next rt diplo.
Reviving Real Time Diplo Games!: 2023-08-20 21:15:18

Level 55
I'll try to remember I guess? Would be much easier if you just joined the server so you can get told when it will start and get pinged for it.
Reviving Real Time Diplo Games!: 2023-08-20 21:16:25

Level 58
Ok, I will
Reviving Real Time Diplo Games!: 2023-08-20 22:20:50

Level 63
The overall WZ player base is higher than before. Practically everyone plays QM and they don't specifically look for open games. The introduction of QM was the decline of open games.

I remember the days when 40 FFAs could fill in RT, would be nice to see them back.

I don't personally want to be invited to diplo games or FFAs.
Reviving Real Time Diplo Games!: 2023-08-22 10:19:05

Level 55
If I remember, it was the same before QM was a thing. I used to play on Warlight in 2015 and there were already few games per day. But still, I don't think QM was the reason for that. Back in 2017 to early 2019 (when I stopped playing for a while) a bunch of people still played RT diplos, and I remember many full games. Then I stopped for a while, and then came back in 2021 and was confused why no games ever filled. There were always only 1-2 full games, and I thought nothing of it, but the numbers of players were low.
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