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SAsc AP guide: 2023-08-24 08:48:10

Level 60
I'm about to SAsc for 1st time, what to invest in AP after SAsc? (planning to bring leg AV, leg AChB, ep or leg SAC to SAsc if thats relevant)

Edited 8/24/2023 08:52:05
SAsc AP guide: 2023-08-24 12:01:56

Level 61
1. Joint Strike to 25%

2a. Put a small amount into Increased Army Camp Production to accelerate getting to the first market
2b. Put a much larger amount into Additional Mercenaries to reduce drafts at the end of a level

*You should use your own play as feedback for what is the limiting factor here

3. At some point, money will become a third limiting factor. With Insane AV this is the level ‘China’. Put enough money into Alloy Values (3a) and Mercenary Discount (3b) to keep this issue at bay.

4. Continue trading off IACP, Additional Mercenaries and Alloy Values /Merc Discount until you no longer have issues with any of the three limiting factors above

5. Increased AP to 25% and unlock Phase 3

6. Skip Levels to 10 and play Hex Earth
SAsc AP guide: 2023-08-24 12:04:33

Level 60
thanks! and 4. would mean how much I want to play being the limiting factor I suppose

Edited 8/24/2023 12:05:00
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