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Clan League 17: Sign-Up and Announcement: 2023-10-28 11:03:01

Level 62
How do you weigh things when it's not a vote?
Clan League 17: Sign-Up and Announcement: 2023-10-28 11:43:29

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
It is already weighed in that manner.

~ 90% of all nominations came from Division A and B clans. 100% of all Crimea nominations have come from A and B clans. Not 100% of them came from Division B clans.

The next season I would recommand to nominate as many templates as you can. Dont suggest templates that have been played the season before. And try to nominate your templates proportionally to the categorization:
2x 3v3s
3x 2v2s
(1 of this 5 no vanilla)
6x 1v1s
(2 of them SR/ 1 of them WR/1 of them INSS/ 1 of them Niche/ 1 of can be any of the above)

If you send in only 1v1 SR templates, I can only take them into account for the few 1v1 SR templates. The rest is falling out.
Or if you don't suggest a WR template, then you will leave the choice to all other clans.

Edited 10/28/2023 11:49:28
Clan League 17: Sign-Up and Announcement: 2023-10-28 11:50:15

Level 62
is the 10% remaining Prime nominating a list of different lotto templates?
Clan League 17: Sign-Up and Announcement: 2023-10-28 11:55:43

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
The next season I would recommand to nominate as many templates as you can. Dont suggest templates that have been played the season before.

Only regarding this prerequisits:

Division A clans sent in on average 7 valid templates of 15.

Division B clans sent in on average 8 valid templates of 15.

I think here is the most air to improve.

Edited 10/28/2023 11:57:25
Clan League 17: Sign-Up and Announcement: 2023-10-28 11:56:49

Level 60
I am very disappointed with how strong the A-walrus lobby is in Clan League. :(

While the high ranked CL establishment definitely wanted to give Duel Lotto a try (see the top secret leaked communication of a top-tier CL clan and high-rank CL official, all names are censored for privacy), they probably were really influenced by the Div A gatekeepers.

Clan League 17: Sign-Up and Announcement: 2023-10-28 11:57:28

Level 65
Are you saying Fogless Fighting was selected because it's a WR template? :D
Clan League 17: Sign-Up and Announcement: 2023-10-28 11:57:55

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Clan League 17: Sign-Up and Announcement: 2023-10-28 12:02:03

Level 65
That's like going for Master Mania because it has 2 armies per neutral territory
Clan League 17: Sign-Up and Announcement: 2023-10-28 12:38:18

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
I would go for Master Mania as INSS template. ^^

Tho what you are up on is an interesting point.

I really find it hard to draw the line between niche and not niche.
Is it nowadays enough for a template to be called niche if the fog setting is reduced?
Between no fog and light fog, especially on small templates is not much of an intel difference, imo. Not for those who can count and check the details, where I think you are able to.

If FF is a niche template. What makes FB or Yorkshire a not niche template. Consider, you have even extra armies per territory? Wouldn't that make it even more niche than Fogless Fighting?

How niche a template must be too be niche enough to be called niche?
Clan League 17: Sign-Up and Announcement: 2023-10-28 12:53:43

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Other than that there was no high number in WR template submissions this season. Fogless had as many submissions as all other WR templates together.

Fogless was the template that came closest to a WR setting and had enough nominations to be considered. :)

Edited 10/28/2023 13:23:25
Clan League 17: Sign-Up and Announcement: 2023-10-28 13:44:33

Level 65
Oh wow, 4 submissions... The other two clans, show yourselves! :)
Clan League 17: Sign-Up and Announcement: 2023-10-28 15:18:02

Beep Beep I'm A Jeep 
Level 64
I have said it many times before, and I will say it again.

Settings are not a good way to differentiate templates.
I would even say, they are a fairly bad one.

We can see this very easily by trying to play 1v1 MME settings on the Rise of Rome map. Will this be a game we would find strategic or even enjoy?

The fact that Fogless Fighting was selected for WR is amusing and alex made a good remark about it. Sure, it is WR, but the gameplay is much less influenced by the fact that it's WR than by the lack of fog, abandon, and the fact that bonuses are n-2. And this is not even a setting.
Simply changing bonus sizes to n-1 would have a much bigger impact on the template and how it is played than changing WR to SR. In this instance it would mean a completely different way of picking the template (small bonuses get much better and provide income fast enough to play against the big ones), whereas changing to SR would have almost no impact as picking and long term strategies fundamentally stay similar.

That's why setting quotas can produce very weird results.
Will we add an abandon quota at some point?
A Spy Card quota?
Fogless Fighting would apply to all of those. You get the point.

Also, why a WR quota? Wouldn't that exclude SR luck templates? Why would you do that?
Also consider, when people say "they like WR" - they usually don't mean that they want luck, or that they enjoy rolling their dice on 80% 3v2 attacks. They like a certain way of playing a template that WR encourages (f.e. expensive expansion, powerful stacks, etc.) - this CAN be achieved by other settings than WR too, and it is not necessarily achieved by putting WR on a template.
Don't get me wrong. I think you can't win in this quota definition. Which is why I think it's not very helpful in the first place.

How niche a template must be too be niche enough to be called niche?

Honestly in this game niche is kinda synonym for unpopular. I think you came to this conclusion yourself by pointing out that Yorkshire "by definition" should be absolutely "niche".
So in a way, you could maybe have a "unpopular template quota" - which in practice could simply be that 1-2 templates are selected that only have 1-2 nominations.

Edited 10/28/2023 15:33:24
Clan League 17: Sign-Up and Announcement: 2023-10-28 15:42:39

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
I have not invented that quota on SR WR INSS and Niche template. Kind of only using it. When it was implemented it had more validity. It is however the best quota in order to get a mixed set of templates that I know of, without making it too complex.

But I am with you it is not contemporary, if WR is not necessarily WR and SR is not necessarily SR and INSS is not necessarily INSS. Settings are going over in each other.

But you also cant say less nominations = unpopular. If that would be the case, then WR and INSS is unpopular and Niche Templates are super popular.

EDIT: You mean controversal. But you cant define that by the number of nominations.

Edited 10/28/2023 15:47:55
Clan League 17: Sign-Up and Announcement: 2023-10-28 15:51:07

Beep Beep I'm A Jeep 
Level 64
It is however the best quota in order to get a mixed set of templates that I know of, without making it too complex.

I completely agree with you, it is easy and everyone understands it. That it a big big value in itself and I can't overstate how big this value is, however it means that results are not necessarily great.

But you also cant say less nominations = unpopular.

I would never say that and I think it's idiotic to say that. Clans nominate templates where they feel like they somehow have a competitive edge, and this tends to be more on "niche" templates.
Clan League 17: Sign-Up and Announcement: 2023-10-29 10:08:00

Level 61
How and when did MME MD&LA and Fogless Fighting become CL templates?
Hwy are there multiple C divisions?
Hwo the fuck are USB and why are M'Hunters and Optimum full of veterans from other clans?
How is PE still in lowest divisions?

I'm away for a few months and and I'm welcomed by a whole new reality o_0
Clan League 17: Sign-Up and Announcement: 2023-10-29 10:38:41

Level 61
Cancer and Fogless had the most submissions by clans in the template submission process, thus making them the most popular. If you don’t like them, tough shit. Maybe you’ll take the submission phase more seriously next time.

The multiple C divisions are the cause of the influx of new clans that signed up to CL last season. There were 16 Div D clans, split into three divisions, 3 clans promoted from each division to C, thus making two Div C divisions for this upcoming season.

USB are FC + the elites from Myth Busters. USB has replaced FC. Optimum’s veterans from other clans are probably only playing for CW. Those that are playing for Opti have likely shifted their allegiance completely, for example, Gunslinger.

Polish Eagles demoted to Div D after finishing bottom 2 in Div C last season and relegating.

Welcome to the future, Onoma. It may seem like a couple months to you, but with your vast gap in knowledge, it’s evident you’ve been in a coma for years. Remember to get your Neuralink. These days we all play Warzone with the help of chips in our brains

Edited 10/29/2023 10:38:56
Clan League 17: Sign-Up and Announcement: 2023-10-30 20:28:35

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
You also can find Clan League 17 now in the Community Events :)
Clan League 17: Sign-Up and Announcement: 2023-10-31 22:39:30

Super Smoove 
Level 61
time to boot
Clan League 17: Sign-Up and Announcement: 2023-10-31 22:42:13

Level 63
hwo the fook
Clan League 17: Sign-Up and Announcement: 2023-11-08 00:35:45

Level 58
Does anyone have the level requirements for each template? Last year they were posted with the template, I have some lowish level players that may be on our roster where it may be an issue.
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