From my experience, in this game the team is as good as the best player. That's why the terms "team leader" and "puppet" were coined a long long time ago and are widely used. Because all that a good team needs is one good player and followers who don't start drama. Or ideally, alts.
Absolutely not, three brains are always better than one. I've been on ladder teams where I was arguably the better player and I can assure you I would have had worse results if I had been playing with 2 alts or puppeting them.
Debate is positive and brings results. It allows you to consider all possibilities, to make sure you did not dismiss anything important. Even if your teammates suggest bad moves, explaining to them why those moves are bad will help you understand the game better. And it might just give you an idea you wouldn't have thought of otherwise.
If you think a team with 3 alts is better than a team with 3 different players, it's because you've played with the wrong teammates so far.
Personally, as long as my teammates have the basics covered, do not boot, are active and know how to discuss in a civil manner, I know that they will help me achieve better results than 2 of my alts would.
Now, all what I just said is true
if you have enough time to communicate with your teammates. I last played the 3v3 ladder with two teammates from the same country/timezone and the 3d clock was just right, with most of our turns lasting more than 2 days.
We could not have done this on a 1d12h clock. We wouldn't have had time to communicate properly and the quality of our moves would have dramatically decreased.
If you don't have time to communicate, then yes, I think it's probably better to play with 3 alts. To sum it up:
Teams with 3 different players and ample time > Teams with 3 alts (or 1 main player and 2 puppets) > Teams with 3 different players and not enough time to coordinate movesSo yeah, I think Loup Duk has a point when he says he's at a disadvantage right now. Because he's trying to play the ladders as they should be played, with a team of 3 different players and no puppeting. But the new ladder settings don't allow him to do it properly, and he has to face coordination problems that players with 3 alts do not face.
However, like krinid mentioned before, the problem here is the current time limit, not players playing with alts. They are allowed to do so, and sometimes that's the only way they can play the ladders.
If we want to reward "real teams", the solution is to give them enough time to play as real teams, not to remove the alt teams.