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Afro-Eurasia Gargantuan, Russia and Crimea: 2023-09-29 15:55:30

Level 63
Maybe I am a too political person, but if a real-word map is offered, it should not reflect a dictator's view of reality but the United Nation's. I probably wouldn't post this if we talked about any of thousands of maps, but Afro-Eurasia Gargantuan is one of few maps in Idle, so every Idle player is confronted with it.

I really ask you to put Crimea to Ukraine where it belongs to!

Afro-Eurasia Gargantuan, Russia and Crimea: 2023-09-29 16:35:24

Level 60
On a note of updading maps. I guess, it is obvious that we should update the Small Earth Board Map too:

- rename Egypt territory to Libya (real Lybia occupies ~60% of the in-game territory)
- rename Ukraine territory to West Russia (real Russia occupies ~80% of the in-game territory)

See the overlay of the real map and the in-game map:

I probably wouldn't post this if we talked about any of thousands of maps, but Small Earth Board Map is one of few maps in Idle and QuickMatch, so every Idle and Classic player is confronted with it.

Urgent update of the SE map is of even greater priority. I really ask you to put the names on the territories, where they belong to!

Afro-Eurasia Gargantuan, Russia and Crimea: 2023-09-29 16:58:03

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 63
We should name "China" as West Taiwan
North Korea as Best Korea
Combine the baltic states into Potato Union
FFS can Estonia finally into Nordic, they are pretty much south Finns.
Also why is New Zealand on the maps, we all know they are a fictional country.
Afro-Eurasia Gargantuan, Russia and Crimea: 2023-09-29 17:00:01

Level 59
And maybe finally fix that typo in Austria's name, its still called "Australia" for some unknown reason on most maps
Afro-Eurasia Gargantuan, Russia and Crimea: 2023-09-29 17:12:01

Level 63
if a real-word map is offered, it should not reflect a dictator's view of reality but the United Nation's

Maps are often made to reflect the situation when they were created.
When the map was made in 2016, the Crimea has been Russian occupied for a couple years without any real pushback from the rest of the world, so it made sense to consider it Russian for all practical purposes.

As much as it might be morally wrong, Russia is currently still "owning" the Crimea, so in my opinion it still makes sense to consider it Russian.
If Ukraine hopefully manages to retake it sometime in the next few years, all maps being made from that point on should have the Crimea as Ukrainian territory again.
Afro-Eurasia Gargantuan, Russia and Crimea: 2023-09-29 17:14:20

Level 63
And besides the geopolitical reasoning behind it, there is also the practical problem of updating bonuses on a map, as it requires re-balancing the bonuses.

This problem is only amplified by the fact that AEG is used in several templates and in idle, and all of these would also need to be update and/or redone if the map gets updated.
Afro-Eurasia Gargantuan, Russia and Crimea: 2023-09-29 17:40:46

Level 63
Ukraine is West Russia? When did USSR come back?
Afro-Eurasia Gargantuan, Russia and Crimea: 2023-09-29 17:42:57

Level 63
Sorry guys, Taiwan is not a country. It is just a heavily fortified island

Kim Jong Un is greatest basketball player ever.

Switzerland is a made up place! A country made of cheese, just can't be!
Afro-Eurasia Gargantuan, Russia and Crimea: 2023-10-02 10:46:42

Level 48
Where things should actually go, given who actually controls a place versus what the international community recognizes and also factoring in what works well for a map is highly subjective. You can't really blame someone for giving Crimea to Russia, or to Ukraine. They're both acceptable elections. Squabbling over it is just pointless. And I doubt the map-maker had a political agenda. If you're just trying to draw a map of the real world you shouldn't have a political agenda to begin with.

Edited 10/2/2023 10:49:27
Afro-Eurasia Gargantuan, Russia and Crimea: 2023-10-02 11:53:25

Level 63
I am a free person, and I am free to express my will, so for sure I can blame someone for giving Crimea to Russia. This far from being an 'acceptable' election.
I concede that the map-maker might not have had a political agenda. Still, this should be corrected. It's a horrible signal to Ukraine, to Russia, and to the international community.
I should add that I'm horrified that a dictator and genocidal murderer and his agenda are met with polemics and indifference here.
Afro-Eurasia Gargantuan, Russia and Crimea: 2023-10-02 12:02:53

Level 60
honestly it should either be the current (as of the map creation date) controlled border or the UN recognised border. Both should be accepted, since it reflect a version of reality... recognised reality and the actual battlefront... but if someone decides to put it deliberately so that its an unrecognised claim, no, shouldn't
But it should be marked as disputed territory if using current controlled border!!!
any ongoing border disputes (that aren't war) should be marked as such and territories should avoid those disputed areas entirely

my grammar is very good lol

for SE, Egypt terirtory should be Egypt and Libya
Ukraine territory should be East Europe

Edited 10/2/2023 12:06:50
Afro-Eurasia Gargantuan, Russia and Crimea: 2023-10-02 15:53:24

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 63
"I should add that I'm horrified that a dictator and genocidal murderer and his agenda are met with polemics and indifference here. "

That isn't what is being met with indifference, it's your concern that is. As explained by someone else, it's just a game, and it was the way it was back when the map was made, and at the end of the day it's only a game that the greater world has never heard about.
Afro-Eurasia Gargantuan, Russia and Crimea: 2023-10-07 17:17:33

Level 60
Final Earth is probably the worst offender. At that resolution it didn't even have to include Crimea, but it did so only to make it part of the Southwest Russia territory rather than the Ukraine one, and then called itself "Final" Earth to make a point that those borders are final. I was getting people into Warlight several years ago and I showed the game to a friend of mine who happened to be Ukrainian. I was playing in the 2v2 ladder and this is the default map there. He took one look at the borders, said "nope", and didn't touch the game after that.

Oh, and as I noticed later the map was made by a Russian a few months after Russia annexed Crimea. This was clearly a political statement, not someone giving names willy-nilly without caring much about which countries territories cover in real life, as in Small Earth.

Edited 10/7/2023 21:28:09
Afro-Eurasia Gargantuan, Russia and Crimea: 2023-10-07 21:05:07

Level 58
@Seleukos: I never thought about this, thanks for the interesting point.
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