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What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-29 15:07:41

Level 65
The elitists are loving this one.
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-29 15:35:12

Level 63
When we say a template is strategic in the context of WZ, it’s more specific because of all the different game types.

If a template is included in a ladder or major community event, it’s strategic. It’s been played and reviewed by very good players.

I’m my opinion these factors aren’t strategic:

  • Random picks
  • Pick lotteries
  • Lots of randomness
  • Others - TBD

Pick lottery is when one pick is massively overpowering and there is no possible way to counter attack).

Randomness during attacks like luck modifier > 16% or too much uncertainty. Like having no idea how many armies are on a territory that is next to one of yours. Basically dense, heavy and complete fog when not accompanied with a spy-like card or significant amounts of armies coming to the front line from fogged places. The exception is scenarios which revolve around using airlift to gain advantage (like the old Europe Challenge single player level).

SEAD and SE1W aren’t strategic by ruling out what isn’t strategic. Multi-attack is a grey area. New players don’t know how to use it. Intermediate players don’t understand combat basics. Advanced players know how to use it effectively but there’s lots of choices.
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-29 15:41:58

Level 61
territories in risk are distributed randomly. risk is considered a strategy game by any reasonable person. therefore in warlight which is based on risk, random territory distribution doesn't prevent a template from being strategic.

the strategy changes, but strategy is still required to win
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-29 15:47:13

Level 63
Risk is a different game entirely.
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-29 15:52:40

Level 61
it's literally the foundation warlight is built on lol. I found this app 10 years ago by searching "risk" in the Google Play store
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-29 15:54:35

Level 64
So we went from discussing what is considered strategic template to if airlift card is strategic and now we conclude that everything is strategic, because Warzone is a strategy game? haha
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-29 16:03:40

Level 63
Queefballs’ definition is too broad for the purposes of this thread.
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-29 16:10:38

Level 61
I don’t know why you guys are continuing to talk to this clown, if he isn’t swayed by majority opinion or expert opinion or facts and logic. It’s completely pointless.

Also, territories in Risk are not distributed randomly
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-29 16:15:38

Level 61
my bad on the risk system but it still doesn't make auto distribution not strategic. in ticket to ride your routes are chosen by drawing from a deck (aka random) and it's still considered strategic.

a handful of rigid, close-minded players in a community of millions of players does not constitute majority opinion anyway lmao, you're just not willing to accept that there are other ways to play this game and they're still strategic
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-29 16:20:30

Level 61
my definition isn't too broad, Dan. rather, you're looking at this way too narrowly. just because a template requires a different strategy than the 1v1 ladder doesn't mean it's not strategic at all. you just have to change what that strategy entails and account for different tactics from your opponent when you formulate that strategy.

again, some helpful tips for strategizing on a template with airlifts were included in one of my previous replies. your unwillingness to incorporate them and your fear of trying a new template don't negate my point
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-29 16:22:25

Level 63
You’re not listening to anyone on this thread.
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-29 16:26:03

Level 65
Is LD Siege strategic?
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-29 16:27:32

Level 61
oh I'm listening. you guys just aren't doing a good job arguing your perspective. I've presented a far stronger case that all templates are strategic than you've been able to counter with your narrow view of this game.

my definition of strategic comes from a dictionary and yours apparently comes from chatgpt lol
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-29 16:31:19

Level 63
Only 2 of my posts came from ChatGPT.

It’s like you’ve ignored what I said about the different games types and how strategic games warzone games are different to strategy as a dictionary definition.
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-29 16:36:16

Level 61
no, I'm just saying there's not a separate definition. any warlight template is strategic. saying it has to fit DanWL's rigid parameters is just moving the goalposts.

different strategy doesn't mean no strategy
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-29 16:37:59

Roi Joleil
Level 60
guys, 1+1 is 2 because 1+1 is 2
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-29 16:46:10

Level 58
LD siege is the most strategic
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-29 16:46:20

Level 61
I mean sorry I didn't present my point in the form of a mathematical proof, I haven't taken calculus in 15 years so I'm a little rusty.

maybe I just set my hopes too high for reading comprehension and logic in a thread about strategy?
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-29 16:56:22

Level 65
@Roi Joleil Go back to playing rocket league. 🤡
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-29 16:59:33

Level 64
Too bad Fizzer himself had to put the name "Strategic" on the ladders' page, not knowing better that every 1v1 template is strategic :(

1v1 ladder using the Strategic 1v1 template
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