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What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-10 03:01:33

Level 65
I would also be interested in an introduction to your tic tac toe strategies, considering that as you explained, every game requires a strategy
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-10 04:01:35

Level 60
bo11 tic tac toe.
alphazomgy uses their brain
alexclusive rolls a dice for each move
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-10 04:05:30

Level 65
Why am I so much better than almost all other players on almost any template then, with that approach?
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-10 13:35:57

Level 61
are you this humble in real life, or just in the forum of your favorite mobile app?
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-10 13:40:02

Level 65
Are you familar with statistics, winrates, ladders and the kind?
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-10 13:47:39

Level 63
The difference in skill between alexclusive and QueefBalls is too vast to quantify
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-10 13:56:45

Level 61
are you familiar with having fun and playing warlight with your friends? cause that's what most of us are here for. congrats on the statistics though!
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-10 14:03:30

Level 63
So what is this beef about?
If you want to have fun, by all means, have fun!

This forum is for discussing what makes a template strategic, and I dont see "fun" being a useful metric to measure in that regard.

Can anyone give me a quick TLDR of the previous 3 pages of forum?
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-10 14:04:01

Level 65
It's great that you are enjoying the game, but why are you here arguing about strategic templates with people with more game understanding than you then?
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-10 14:09:15

Level 61
well I started by giving my take on strategic templates, but then other players didn't like my objectively true statements and started being rude for no reason. I'm not the one who derailed the conversation.

maybe if you guys didn't have such a narrow view of this app you'd benefit from the perspectives of other players
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-10 14:31:41

Level 60
Alex why are bullying this guy out of a forum discussion post that you did not create.

What is this hypocrisy of undermining someone's words based on their stats.

Rufus said word by word "I came to conclusion that any setting might be considered strategic if it is well put together with other settings. This is the hardest part for template creators, since if you reach any small imbalance then it becomes rock-paper-scissors." which couldn't be more true. This statement is really close to queefballs stating that the strategic community should be open-minded.

I would believe that a lot of settings were not considered in any way to be implemented in "strategic" templates, features like sanctions, airlifts, bomb cards, emergency blockades, no fog, light fog, auto distribution, or idk what else, some years ago. Try and sell trippel tafl or fogless fighting as strategic 6 years ago (i'm not implying they are strategic, i don't care, i couldn't care less, but based on the fact that they were introduced into the seasonal ladder and cl respectively, they are thought highly of some people). Or a map with sanction cards. Or idk

Templates are developed. The creators learn from their mistakes or rephrase hear from the feedback, and there is a steady improvement. Sometimes new ideas pop up. These ideas might work really well, they might be trash as well. But from concepts and ideas someone else could develop something better.

LND asked for opinions and QueefBalls responded. You disagree? Here take a lolipop. I am conflicted as well and would disagree with stuff like airlifts, but i doubt you care about my opinion as well.

Take a chill pill

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, don't be a jerk when you disagree with someone
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-10 14:37:26

Level 65
Please remind me when I disagreed that the strategic community should be open minded? Everyone disagreed with the airlift card example, not with that general statement. Because this concrete kind of thing is what this thread was about, not making obvious general remarks nobody can disagree with, then giving a wrong example which is not at all covered by it and then being butthurt for being corrected.
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-10 14:43:02

Level 60
I'll set a reminder 2 years from now when an airlift template will evidently come into existence and be considered strategic
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-10 14:47:51

Level 65
Are you a man who likes to bet, Chris?
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-10 14:48:46

Level 60
Nope. I hate weighted random
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-10 14:49:03

Level 60
Sorry hit under the belt.

I don't bet at all in my life
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-10 14:51:28

Level 65
Then I guess it's useless to offer you a bet about the strategic airlift card template prediction you voiced, that's a shame
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-10 14:51:42

Level 60
In a world of proposing templates with exchanged picks as strategic i'm pretty sure airlift will find its way somehow eventually. Not judging lampuria or what was it, never played it. Just think the innovators have delved deep enough to consider even airlifts. Emergency blockades and bombs also occur before orders and they have somehow appeared in a couple of templates over the year
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-10 14:54:21

Level 60
Doesn't Sumo by the way have an airlift card?
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-10 14:55:33

Level 60
Damn it, I should've betted already
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