That's why the main point I disagree with (with my of course limited information) is that there was ever such a point when FCC was in the shape to become the game's leading community.
We were the game's leading community at one point. We won CL14 and had clan activity that dwarfed your clan and any other clan outside TSFH at the time. I think we were even voted the best clan in that end of year wz awards stream. The main reason the clan fell apart was due to a number of important players retiring around the same time (ralph, checkmqte, mgo, papamarsh, ocean, skekung, neighbor, ursus, legolas, asurados and octane), and they were never replaced, because our main recruiter had retired. The infighting that started towards the end of CL15 just brought the clans expiration date forward.
Edited 11/11/2023 07:05:59