I made about 10 2x1 attacks that game, if that.
http://warlight.net/App.aspx?GameID=1085788 Turn 5 and 10. Cost me a potentially crucial bonus on turn 5.
Anyway, the reason I even bothered to mention it is because this has been happening to me very frequently lately. I had it happen to me 3 times in a 2 day stretch a few weeks back. I really don't recall this ever happening prior to a month or so ago, and it's happened at least 6-7 times in the last month. Perhaps I was just really lucky earlier on and have been really unlucky lately, or perhaps I never really paid attention to it earlier and now I do, but I wanted to make sure something hadn't changed that I wasn't aware of.
Also, perhaps the base for strategic games can be made to 15% or less luck to remove this from ever happening? I know you like Warlight to have some bit of variance (I don't disagree, necessarily), but this very small amount of luck that almost never comes up but is devastating when it doesn't seem to offer anything positive. Also, could it at least be changed so that it doesn't list the attack as 100% likely to succeed using the analyze tool? If there is any chance of failure, then there isn't a 100% chance to succeed.