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Remove Toxic Players: 2023-11-15 10:15:24

Level 56
Quite a large number of members that are abusive
but when you tell them to P off then i get the warning,
a number of times ive been in front of my team mates but get abuse because i made the wrong move
i find the ones that mouth off are the ones that make you make the wrong move
when people should just shut up and play,
Just remove the chat full stop

Edited 11/15/2023 10:16:37
Remove Toxic Players: 2023-11-15 10:36:31

Level 60
you can just block them... and I don't see whats wrong with advising teammates? unless they truly are aggressive. "shut up and play"? okay go play 1v1 instead if you don't like teams...

Edited 11/15/2023 10:37:27
Remove Toxic Players: 2023-11-15 10:37:06

Level 63
You can report them and or blocklist them.

To report: From the game, click on a player’s name > Report > Enter reason

To blocklist: from the game, click on a player’s name > Full Profile > +Blocklist
Remove Toxic Players: 2023-11-15 15:19:57

Level 60
Yes. Toxic players should be removed from Warzone.

I would ask though, what level of toxicity should qualify for removal?
For example the guy is these games, is he toxic enough?

- Some random "p... off": https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=16791007
- Idiot teammates: https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=7410585
- Cheaters and hackers:
-- https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=10650153
-- https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=10649527
- Pay-to-win and other unfair advantages:
-- https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=10617631
-- https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=7363885

Edited 11/15/2023 15:35:50
Remove Toxic Players: 2023-11-15 16:25:14

Level 65
Someone got exposed
Remove Toxic Players: 2023-11-15 16:45:16

Pink Velvet
Level 60
I was in a game yesterday with a kid who booted me almost immediately after the timer ended even though I said I was here in public chat. Nobody in the game appreciated what the kid did, but his reaction was to force us to play (and lose) while teasing me for being upset about his actions.

The only thing you can do is blocklist these players. Being a jerk is rarely if ever going to result in any serious penalty in this game, unless the language used is very very abusive.

It is up to you, and me, and anyone else to remain poisoned when dealing with disrespectful players. They thrive off of your negative reaction, and don't care if you blocklist them. Most mature thing to do in most circumstances is to move on and forget about it.

Also last time I checked, you can't 'hack' a warzone game. You can use mods, but you can't hack your way to victory? What exactly is Freelancer on about?
- downvoted post by (deleted)
Remove Toxic Players: 2023-11-15 21:28:57

Nice Guy 
Level 62
Then don't play team games. Team games are about cooperation, which you obviously don't care about.
Remove Toxic Players: 2023-11-15 22:45:24

Level 59
Buddy if you're constantly getting warned for being rude to your teammates maybe you oughta lead by example
Remove Toxic Players: 2023-11-15 22:49:03

The Forbidden Koala 
Level 62
It seems like you're making blunders, and people are pointing it out.
Remove Toxic Players: 2023-11-15 22:57:09

Level 59
Studies show making less mistakes leads to teammates not admonishing you for those same mistakes.

Also lol FiveSmith

Edited 11/15/2023 22:57:29
Remove Toxic Players: 2023-11-16 00:01:06

Level 61
@Fivesmith those are perfect examples of a toxic player! Somebody needs to track that guy down before he makes it to the forums!
Remove Toxic Players: 2023-11-16 00:57:26

Level 59

> makes 3 picks at the bottom of the map
> "This is flawed we start at the bottom"

Remove Toxic Players: 2023-11-16 07:58:27

Level 56
Seen much worse
just point a view to just get on with the game
apart from the dictators 30% of my games ive been screwed over by AWOL
also this game does not show, is the amount of games where i have been 2nd where i get nothing
or idiots who have no idea about strategy but only to knock out each other
where i think some have dual accounts,
70% of the time the start locations are one sided which has nothing to do with skill

Edited 11/16/2023 08:05:29
Remove Toxic Players: 2023-11-16 12:45:24

Level 63
Using playing from as an indicator isn’t reliable. VPNs can hide where a player really plays from and just because someone plays from the same country that someone else does doesn’t mean they are the same person.

I’ve played against people’s other accounts and knew based on the quality of their moves that they seem far too good to be a brand new player. Indicators to look out for are being a new player with a high win rate (70%+ 1v1 over many games) and global Quickmatch rating 600+.

You could avoid joining games with auto distribution (so that you pick your own starting territories and don’t end up with random ones).

Your win rate is very low, so I’m not entirely convinced that you know much about the mechanics of the game or formulating strategies/tactics. Any advice you give could be reject because of that.

If you want competitive games, join a ladder or tournament. If is using teams, join with a player you know and like.
Remove Toxic Players: 2023-11-16 13:07:06

Level 61
Kinda seems like a pretty simple case of mad cos bad
Remove Toxic Players: 2023-11-16 13:15:28

Level 63
> makes 3 picks at the bottom of the map
> "This is flawed we start at the bottom"

Fucking lol. Im going to copy this mindset.

Overall, I'd say that a lot of your complaints can be taken care of by joining different games. You are upset at certain settings, while these settings can easily be avoided by joining the right games / creating your own ones.
Remove Toxic Players: 2023-11-17 22:09:31

Level 63
Quite a large number of members that are abusive
but when you tell them to P off then i get the warning,

Instead of trying to fight fire with more fire, just report them instead and let them receive the warnings instead of you

With that being said, keep in mind the old saying:
    If someone is an ***hole, they're an ***hole, if everyone is an ***hole, you're the ***hole
Remove Toxic Players: 2023-11-17 22:20:03

old yeller 
Level 60
listen to jk. he (somehow, i’m not sure why but it’s true) is wise

Edited 11/17/2023 22:21:18
Remove Toxic Players: 2023-11-18 00:04:23

Level 59
The report button only works if your grievance is something reportable. Your opponent refusing to VTE when you got unfair starts (your top 3 picks on a 3 start board) might not get them a warning.

OP, you'll probably get some mileage out of learning the game a little (try https://bit.ly/warlight-basics) so you're less frustrated by normal gameplay.

Edited 11/18/2023 00:05:39
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