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Is there a use for % based attacks outside MA?: 2023-12-02 18:20:43

Pink Velvet
Level 60
Question is - can attacking based on percentage be useful outside of very niche modes like Multi-Attack?? I think it's only really useful if you want to be fun and stylish but serves little practical purpose?? I think it's a very situational tactic, especially when you're attacking many spots with at once. It can be like: "I want to hit this spot with 2 or 3, then I'll hit this spot with 50% (Half of what I have left) and then hit this next spot with the rest".

The only potential use I can imagine is that it can be used to

This move resulting in an attack of 3.

Just some discussion.

It's fun to try to be creative, but it doesn't really seem like it's worth the thought in this case. Rufus, Timinator, Jz and some others have thought of some much more useful strategies and I'd think if there was a use for this some elite player would have made a thread about it already but yeah. lol

Edited 12/2/2023 18:57:21
Is there a use for % based attacks outside MA?: 2023-12-02 18:24:02

Level 65
76% attack on turn 2 should answer the question.

Is there a use for % based attacks outside MA?: 2023-12-02 18:57:08

Beep Beep I'm A Jeep 
Level 64
Does not answer anything if you're new to % but nice flex.

For starters, get to know conditional delays.
Let's say, you have a stack. If that stack is not attacked, you want to make a transfer move away from it. And if it is attacked, you don't want to make the transfer away from it.

Let's suppose that stack has 6 movable armies. The conventional way to make this delay is to just move 1 army.
In this case you will make a transfer of 9% though - if your 6 armies have not been attacked it will execute a transfer of 1 army (6*0.09=0.54 > 0.5), if however your stack has been attacked and now there are only 5 movable armies, then no transfer will execute (5*0.09=0.45 < 0.5).
This can be useful in many situations and is the most common use case for % attack
Is there a use for % based attacks outside MA?: 2023-12-02 19:02:07

Level 65
She mentioned the fancy part of these tricks, so I assume that she already heard of conditional delays and just wanted to know about direct % attacks. One of the simplest examples is when you use 50% and 100% attacks instead of 3 and 3. That way if they kill 2 of your armies first, then instead of attacking with 3 and 1, you'd attack with 2s.
Is there a use for % based attacks outside MA?: 2023-12-02 19:28:55

Level 58
Percentage is just more precise. Since it is turn based and your opponent may go before you, thinking ahead and using percentages may be advantageous. Is it worth the effort? How badly do you want to win? It helps separate the good from the great maybe
Is there a use for % based attacks outside MA?: 2023-12-02 19:59:22

Pink Velvet
Level 60
Rufus's move didn't demonstrate effectiveness much. 76% of 5 is 3.8. Would it have rounded up to 4 if Pardon didn't attack? Could it be that Rufus wanted to hit Pardon with enough that he could potentially transfer for an added delay and safely get Leeds? I'm just trying to get a better understanding.

Jeep's example is really helpful! I am a bit familiar but I appreciate the clarity. That's kind of what I was thinking could be a use, but didn't know how to put it into words. The idea was to transfer an army for an additional delay only if you can afford to (if the stack is not attacked).

Edited 12/2/2023 19:59:49
Is there a use for % based attacks outside MA?: 2023-12-02 20:06:59

Pink Velvet
Level 60
I like the explanation my friend gives for Rufus's move.

"I think the reason is the latter you mentioned. Comparing Rufus' 76% to just attack with 3, the difference is that if enemy just taps Rufus with that one mobile army, Rufus takes the territory with 2 and has 1 extra delay so he gets Leeds safely."

Is there a use for % based attacks outside MA?: 2023-12-02 20:08:49

Level 62
Even if it were to be used only for conditional delays, it's a very useful tactic that shouldn't be underestimated.
If this setting was enabled on French Brawl, I imagine it would be used a lot.

Years ago I was often using attack-by-% to move some armies away from the stack that I was going to blockade at the end of the turn. But then I learned that I can just transfer-only X armies towards the neutral/enemy and move away everything else. This method is more accurate.

And then there are some other niche uses like in the game that Rufus linked. But these niche uses are the most interesting to be honest.

Edited 12/2/2023 20:14:29
Is there a use for % based attacks outside MA?: 2023-12-02 20:25:55

Level 65
1) If Pardon doesnt attack, I attack with 3 and delay;
2) if he taps, I attack with 2 and delay;
3) if he attacks with 3, I attack with 2;
4) if he attacks with 5, I tap.

So the purpose was to design a counter attack + extra delay if possible.
Is there a use for % based attacks outside MA?: 2023-12-03 02:00:51

Level 62
Years ago I was often using attack-by-% to move some armies away from the stack that I was going to blockade at the end of the turn. But then I learned that I can just transfer-only X armies towards the neutral/enemy and move away everything else. This method is more accurate.

combine the 2 for best results

many use cases of % without MA and i m sure ppl will come to point them out, but one that is easily overlooked:
take neutral of 2 with 3 - boring
take neutral of 2 with 100% of your armies - absolute chad move that will make your opponents shiver in fear!
Its a message. You dont come in half-assed, you re blasting in with 100%!

Edited 12/3/2023 02:01:00
Is there a use for % based attacks outside MA?: 2023-12-03 10:25:05

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Attack/transfer per percentage can be helpful for conditional delays. Delay as much as possible, but not more than needed.
Is there a use for % based attacks outside MA?: 2023-12-03 10:42:14

Level 60
why would conditional delays be useful?

Is there a use for % based attacks outside MA?: 2023-12-03 10:58:15

Level 65
Those danish moves on turn 2 should answer the question.

Is there a use for % based attacks outside MA?: 2023-12-03 15:36:28

Level 60
whats danish moves?
Is there a use for % based attacks outside MA?: 2023-12-03 18:27:59

Level 58
I think in Denmark you can notice on turn 2, Forsaken gets tapped by Tof. A few orders later, Forsaken makes a transfer back of 0 armies, because he used 9%. He went from 6 to 5 available armies, 9% of 6 is .54, which rounds to 1. 9% of 5 is only .45, which does not round up. Lastly, Forsaken sends an attack of 100% armies (probably by accident), which caused him to send 5 armies north.
Is there a use for % based attacks outside MA?: 2023-12-04 04:11:10

Level 60
but why? I understand that it can do that, but why?
Is there a use for % based attacks outside MA?: 2023-12-04 07:51:47

Roi Joleil
Level 61
The simple answer is.. its conditionally.

an example:
here is 1 simple example why people use conditional delays.
Your goal in a given turn might be to delay as much as possible, while still attacking with an efficient amount.
You have 7 moveable armies on territory XY.
7 armies is an inefficient attack.
So i deally you want to move 1 back and attack with 6 which kills the same amount but is delayed by 1 more move.
But you dont know if your opponent attacks you or not.
Thats why you do a transfer back with % so that when when you have 7armies, you move one back, and if you have 6 armies or less, you dont move any back.

There is a table with all the % if you search for 'Conditional Delays' or 'Attack by Percentage' on this site.

Thats only one example tho.

Edited 12/4/2023 07:52:21
Is there a use for % based attacks outside MA?: 2023-12-04 10:40:07

Level 60
ohhhhhhhhhh thanks!
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