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Open Clan Prerequisites: 2023-12-12 15:22:16

Level 61
More just venting I guess, because I created a Uservoice (does Fizz dog still check that even?) like 8 months ago and it went nowhere.

As clan managers we should be able to set prerequisites for others to join our clans when they're set to open. For example, in my clan we require new members to be at least level 10 and have no boots in their last 100 games. This was easy to implement in the old days of recruitment games, since we could just put those prerequisites on joining the game.

Nowadays, with the effective death of open games, the easiest way to recruit new members is by making the clan open. But since there are no prerequisites available, I get all kinds of riffraff joining the clan, and they clearly aren't reading the clan page because a lot of these bozos are in the single digits for level and double digits for boots! As a clan manager, my only option is to manually check each player's profile and then manually remove the offenders.

Curious why some sort of prerequisite system can't be implemented to make this process more easy.

Here's the uservoice I had created if anyone has extra votes to spare on there and agrees with my basic idea (though again, I'm not sure if and how much that site is still being used for feedback:
Open Clan Prerequisites: 2023-12-12 17:52:58

Level 63
You don't maintain as 0% boot yourself. Shouldn't you be kicked from your own clan? If you're going to enforce prerequests for joining clan, they should apply to yourself?

Currently you've been booted 245 times (1% of your last 100) .
Open Clan Prerequisites: 2023-12-12 18:55:33

Level 61
Great contribution to the discussion Dan!

Unfortunately you failed to see that our boot rate requirement is for new members. We do remove anyone who gets booted from our official clan games or misses our internal strat 1v1 tournaments but lucky for me, that 1 boot was just a boring old 1v1 quickmatch i joined just as my dog vomited all over my bed. By the time I got the laundry started I was out of bank time!
Open Clan Prerequisites: 2023-12-12 19:00:38

Level 63
I think the type of boots that count don't currently match up to what warzone has.

Maybe the old Flash prerequestists could be added back but they weren't due to 'lack of usage' according to the streams when the flash to unity rewrite happened.
Open Clan Prerequisites: 2023-12-14 12:51:47

Level 61
can you clarify what you mean by that? is it something to do with the old system of measuring overall boots vs the newer system of showing last 100 games' boots? (I have no idea how the technology for this game works)
Open Clan Prerequisites: 2023-12-14 14:13:19

Level 63
Before boot % was measured across all games. Now is over last 100 games. Was part of an update that happened at least 5 years ago. The idea is to more accurately reflect how often someone is booted.
Open Clan Prerequisites: 2024-01-12 10:57:19

Level 63
does Fizz dog still check that even?

yes, i probably keeps up with it, but unfortunately any and all clan enhancements make 0 profit, so unlike idle they get ignored :(
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