there seem to be 2 different settings going around under the same template name, so should it be with full or warlord distro if i want to play this on my own?
Lol there’s wayyy more than 2. Thé one with warlord distribution is the most popular, and that’s the one on QM templates rn (We’re at 26 votes). (Honestly i’m not sure i know the difference between full and warlord) but i know that’s the most popular one.
There’s a kabix 2v2v2 going around rn that i like but it takes a while to fill up. I remember Backo did a 3v3 tournament with 8 initial that was also pretty cool.
Its made it!! With 73 votes, its just popped up on my List. It is in the Top 40. But needs probably 10 more votes at least, to keep from falling out due to vote inflation.
The difference between Full and Warlord Distro is that Warlord is only one territory per bonus. Full distro means you can have opponents in same bonus. Warlord avoids that.
Just played my first Kabix QM game. It was cool. The leaderboard has started to fill up too so that means some folks are liking it and playing it multiple times. We've over 100 players so far!
Ok I've played a few games so far. Many noobs. Even from very experienced players. It can take a while to get a game. We need to get it higher ranked on the QM Templates so more people can play. Even many experienced players don't have enough QM unlocks to play. I've unlocked all 40 so it's good for me But that takes maybe 500 QM wins to do (or more)
I've been posting this in the public chats to encourage people to keep voting, and maybe some of u can as well ...
"Hi ! I don't know if any of you have played this template before but if you like it you should consider voting for it. It's brand new on the Quickmatch Templates and hopefully here to stay."
Hi! I’ve played this game before as well as the 6 and 8 player FFA w similar settings. I know u know that they are quite different.
As far as changing the name I see ur point and I guess it would need to be put to a vote or get the consensus from other players. The title is pretty explanatory and changing Kabix to Imp. Rom. works while keeping the other details 2v2| commanders | no income etc… intact.
However, if it was put to a vote I would vote to keep it Kabix. For me it’s a branding issue. We were able to vote this into QM in about 2 weeks. Mainly because there were a bunc of players that knew exactly what they were voting for just by the name. Establishing it as a QM Template is just the beginning. We’ve won one battle now we need to win the war.
Now the mission is to climb the ladder further. We need to get on the 1st page and rise up the ranks. This expands the reach of the template. This is the first Template to be added to QM since they made starting games with commanders available to non-members. As more innovations in the Warzone happen more players will become part of the community and we will have newer templates and more voters.
I think we can all agree that when we see Kabix | 2v2| 0 income | commanders we know exactly what to expect and for that I think the name should stay.
Also you should consider voting for it. Currently you’re voting for a different template that just says Kabix. A bunch of us are voting for a different Template titled with the exact same settings. It would make sense to add your votes there instead.
Kabix | 2v2| 0 income | commanders … it’s ranked 29 currently with 81 votes.