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Raise the svg limit to 4mb: 2024-02-12 19:50:25

Level 63
I can open a 400 player FFA on https://www.warzone.com/SinglePlayer?PreviewMap=100021 just fine on iOS 12.5.7 (most up to date version that iPhone 5s has, it's at least 8 years old).

The only real slowness I get is viewing full settings of games in browser like if there's lots overridden bonuses or lots of settings of mods being listed. I don't have that issue on iPhone 5s app, iPhone SE app or Windows standalone.
Raise the svg limit to 4mb: 2024-02-27 17:27:23

Level 60
I do agree
Raise the svg limit to 4mb: 2024-02-28 08:04:01

Johnny Silverhand 
Level 59
I really can't imagine 3 mb vs 4 mb making a meaningful difference in performance for basically anyone. Those are incredibly small amounts of data. My phone internet connection, on average is around 300 mbps, sometimes over a gbps when in a large urban area.
I doubt the speed of the device matters either when even the lowest end phones around are like 2 GB of RAM, my phone has 12 GB of RAM.

Edited 2/28/2024 08:04:40
Raise the svg limit to 4mb: 2024-02-28 10:14:28

Level 63
The issue isn’t internet speed or device specs. It’s about a possible inefficiency in map rendering and how long it would take to open games using larger maps.
Raise the svg limit to 4mb: 2024-03-25 21:35:56

Level 48
Only would make sense if the max canvas size and territory count is also scaled up to be honest

Edited 3/25/2024 21:36:11
Raise the svg limit to 4mb: 2024-03-31 05:07:13

Strong shape
Level 65
Personaly i distrust big map, more complex hard to play. Triger, loving multiday enable it for lore seeker
best map less then 500 teritory. Show imperium romanum is maybe the 128 ter. game more played map.
We need more color or thriller map seeting, capital bonus an edge and road for them all. a ter reach by border.like sea or teleport. or a Teritory master who can go but can not been reach. One side attack. mountain lord. chief of mountain climb down the other turn around the hill for break the capital. higher in position.
Raise the svg limit to 4mb: 2024-04-04 20:12:35

Level 60

Edited 4/27/2024 14:11:40
Raise the svg limit to 4mb: 2024-04-30 11:25:29

Ernesto Rosso
Level 54
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
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