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Problem with idle battles: 2024-02-07 09:39:41

Level 64
Does anyone else has a problem with joining idle battles? For some reason I keep getting message that i can't connect with server even though my internet connection is surely ok. Any clues?
Problem with idle battles: 2024-02-07 16:53:52

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Level 65
it happens. You got always disconnected even if you do nothing else and stay on the battle page ?
Problem with idle battles: 2024-02-07 17:14:09

Level 64
it's not that I'm getting disconnected during the battle. I can't even join the battle properly. It's odd cause for a long time everything was working fine for me. problem with joining battles started for me around 2-3 weeks ago
Problem with idle battles: 2024-02-07 17:19:31

Level 54
I have found the disconnection problem to be very inconsistence.

I often play several hours in a row, at the same location. And it will be perfectly fine for a couple hours. Then 2 disconnects in a row. Then back to normal.

I *have* learned that watching a movie during WZIB increases my Disconnect problems. So that's another thing to consider. i.e. What is your computer's workload?


Edited 2/7/2024 17:19:48
Problem with idle battles: 2024-02-07 17:48:35

Level 64
I'm playing on mobile.
Problem with idle battles: 2024-02-07 17:52:36

Level 63
my one phone just won't connect so I play on desktop or other phone
Problem with idle battles: 2024-02-08 00:07:05

Level 63
Might want to report that bug https://www.warzone.com/ReportBug. No idea if Idle app has the report bug page.
Problem with idle battles: 2024-02-10 06:37:27

Level 59
I have been having the same problem for the past ~2 weeks. It's an immediate "Can't connect to server" message, even though I'm having no problems with playing Classic or Idle. I'm playing on my phone on iOS. I reported it to Fizzer, but so far no resolution.
Problem with idle battles: 2024-02-10 08:07:11

Level 64
exactly Jeff, it's the same issue. I reported the bug as well
Problem with idle battles: 2024-02-10 08:08:58

Level 62
yeah, one app can connect to servers, the other not.
(have idle and complete app installed).

It often helps switching back and forth to make it run.
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