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Newbie questions: 2024-02-13 07:38:41

Level 6
Hey, everybody. I'm new to this game. I don't understand anything at all yet, so I have newbie questions. If it's not too much trouble, please answer them.

Can anyone invite me to the game? I get invites from other players.
How long can I wait for my opponent's move?
I had a victory, although I made only 1 move, and the opponent did not make a move. Why did I get a win?
In my dashboard I see open games https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer/ - can I enter them?
Newbie questions: 2024-02-13 08:21:37

Level 63
First of all, welcome to WZ, we hope you will have a great time here!

I've tried to answer your questions below, if you have any more questions, dont hesitate to ask!

Can anyone invite me to the game?

You can be invited to a game by anyone that is not your blocklist. Likewise, you can invite anyone to games as long as they don't have you on their blocklist.

I get invites from other players.

I don't think its other players inviting you, but the automatic QuickMatch system instead.
These games should have the name "QM: PlayerName vs PlayerName".

Note that you can disable automatic QM invites by unticking the box "Invite me to multi-day games" in the QM menu (under the Multi-Player tab).

How long can I wait for my opponent's move? I had a victory, although I made only 1 move, and the opponent did not make a move. Why did I get a win?

Every game has it's own boot time settings. The boot time is the time each player has to commit their turn before they get kicked out of the game for being too slow.

A couple key settings to note:

Real-time (RT) vs Multi-day (MD)
RT games have a boot time between 1 minute and 1 hour, and should be played in a single session.
MD games have a boot time between 12 hours and 100 days, and are played 1 turn at a time.

Your current QM games (which due to your low level I am assuming to only be on the SEAD template) have the following boot times:
RT = 1 minute normal boot + 2 minutes banked
MD = 1 day normal boot + 1 day banked

Banked boot time
Some games have banked boot time.
This is additional time on top of the normal boot time that can be used in case of emergency to go past the boot timer.
Banked time does not get reset when the turn advances, so use it sparingly.

Auto Boot vs Manual Boot
Most games have autoboot enabled.
That means that the server will automatically kick players that go past their boot time.

However, some games have manual boot, where you are required to do so yourself.
Use the boot button for that: https://i.imgur.com/vbuw6s8.png

In my dashboard I see open games https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer/ - can I enter them?

Yes! Feel free to explore all the lovely things WZ has to offer :)

Some things to note:
• Some games might be hidden from you due to you not meeting the game prerequisites set by the game host.
• Some games (usually diplomacy aka "diplo" games) have additional rules you should follow on top of the normal Warzone rules.
• With team games, remember that you're now playing a team, so communication is key. There is team chat for a reason ;)
• Inspect the settings of the game before joining an open game, and try to understand them where possible so you know what you're getting into. Nobody appreciates it when players chicken out of a game on turn 1 cause they "dont like the settings".

Edited 2/13/2024 10:00:47
Newbie questions: 2024-02-13 09:11:02

Level 6
Thank you very much!

I don't think its other players inviting you, but the automatic QuickMatch system instead.
These games should have the name "QM: PlayerName vs PlayerName".

Yes, it's QM.
Newbie questions: 2024-02-13 09:13:02

Level 6
I have another question. I made a move from one territory with 5 armies to an enemy territory with 3 armies. But on the next move it showed me that there were not 3 armies in the enemy territory, but 12. So all my armies were destroyed. Why did it show me 3 armies and not 12?
Newbie questions: 2024-02-13 09:15:19

Level 63
Can you link the game? Game link is in the URL bar or you can use Game > Game Settings > View full settings > link. Also which turn?

If the game is no longer in your Dashboard, it should appear under Past Games.

Edited 2/13/2024 09:25:34
Newbie questions: 2024-02-13 09:43:05

Level 6
The turn was the 3rd, I think. There's only four turns in game now.

Edited 2/13/2024 09:46:24
Newbie questions: 2024-02-13 09:47:44

Level 63
Can’t really double check that armies really did appear or disappear, the game is in progress and there is fog.

Go to Game > History and check order by order. Armies shouldn’t unexpectedly change like you said in that game. Can use the left and right arrow keys for faster navigation.
Newbie questions: 2024-02-13 10:00:19

Level 29
I have a noob question.

In many situations I cant find a way to read what the settings are before joining. For example clan war time slots have diffrent game types but taping on them on mobile doesnt seem to open up anything, I can join and withdraw but Id like to read the settings before joining.

Shouldn’t there or isn’t there a way to read the settings on the diffrent templets?
Newbie questions: 2024-02-13 10:02:05

Level 29
Btw in the case of the 3 was then and then 12, did they perhaps deploy troops there, as in when you made the order there would be 3 and then when you commit and it goes through the deployment phase maybe 9 got deployed there.
Newbie questions: 2024-02-13 10:24:56

Level 63
Clan wars templates are same as QM templates. You should be able to see what the settings are in QM > Templates or when creating a game from a QM template.
Newbie questions: 2024-02-13 11:17:41

Level 6
I only have 5 armies left in this game. All the others have been defeated :(
Again the same situation, I send more armies than the opponent has, but the opponent has more than I sent. I haven't figured this game out yet.
I think I need to try to play more games.
Newbie questions: 2024-02-13 11:41:37

Level 63
Well if you lost the game, you should surrender it (Game button bottom left > Surrender).
Then we can see trough the fog as well, and perhaps give you some tips and tricks.
Newbie questions: 2024-02-13 12:08:02

Level 6
I pressed that button, surrendered.
Newbie questions: 2024-02-13 13:48:08

Level 62
The problem was that, just like you have the ability to change how many armies you attack with by deploying income, the opponent can deploy more to defend with. This game isn’t turn by turn. You don’t make a move and then wait for your opponent to make a move like RISK. Everyone in the game makes their moves simultaneously.
Newbie questions: 2024-02-13 14:16:18

Level 58
Well said, Texx.

Being a multi-player noob myself, and having been corrupted by years of playing RISK, it takes some getting used to. Because the opponent isn't stationary during your turn, you have to use some strategy and try to predict where your opponent will move. Then, allocate resources & plan attacks accordingly. This is where the experience gaps become really glaring between myself and the high level players who destroy me on a regular basis.

Personally, I found it advantageous to play the single-player options so I could take my time and watch all of the moves play out over the course of the whole turn. It's slower, but the animations really do help illustrate why things played out the way they did.

I've played single-player for years (sporadically), but only this week created an account.

Battling AI helps get the nuances down, and to help develop a rudimentary strategy.
Don't be afraid of the tutorials! This is exactly why they're there. Like training wheels on a bike until you get your balance.

Also, when the match is finished, go back and watch the history. Again, noob to noob, I recommend watching the animations. It helps.
Newbie questions: 2024-02-13 14:45:45

Level 63
Level doesn't really correlate to skill. Level is only a measure of number of points accumulated. How points are earned isn't always how good a player is. QM rating is better indicator for most players, but MTL or seasonal ladder ratings are best.
Newbie questions: 2024-02-13 15:11:02

Level 6
The problem was that, just like you have the ability to change how many armies you attack with by deploying income, the opponent can deploy more to defend with. This game isn’t turn by turn. You don’t make a move and then wait for your opponent to make a move like RISK. Everyone in the game makes their moves simultaneously.

I got it, thank you very much for the explanation.
Newbie questions: 2024-02-13 15:14:13

Level 63
^That's the main reason for why I suggested checking history :)
Newbie questions: 2024-02-13 15:15:44

Level 6
I don't mind, you're better at it :)
Newbie questions: 2024-02-13 15:30:45

Level 63
Playing more game is best and take note of what the settings are and how they change the game.
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