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MCW S1 Timeslots: 2024-02-23 02:00:23

Interstate 404 
Level 50
This thread will mention all the timeslots.
Map is https://www.warzone.com/Map/3691-Northern-New-Jersey

Timeslots for 9 PM 2/22 UTC-5
Small Earth 1v1 Auto Dist
Strategic 2v2
Multi-Attack MME Light Fog LD
Small Earth Commander and Bomb Card

You may opt in to automatically join any template as long as it is in the next timeslot and your "last seen" was less than 15 minutes.

Matches will start at 9:30.
Next timeslot may be at 11 PM.

Edited 2/23/2024 02:02:09
MCW S1 Timeslots: 2024-02-23 03:08:53

Level 63
MCW = Mini Clan Wars https://www.warzone.com/Forum/745300-mini-clan-wars-revived. Wasn’t made clear in original post.

Edited 2/23/2024 03:23:02
MCW S1 Timeslots: 2024-02-23 03:13:10

Interstate 404 
Level 50
Im not sure what i can do there…
MCW S1 Timeslots: 2024-02-23 03:13:44

Level 63

Edited 2/23/2024 03:23:11
MCW S1 Timeslots: 2024-02-23 03:15:13

Interstate 404 
Level 50
This is the timeslots for MCW S1…
MCW S1 Timeslots: 2024-02-23 03:16:59

Level 63
Saw CW and timeslots. You’ve assumed everyone knows what MCW is without any explanation or link.
MCW S1 Timeslots: 2024-02-23 03:36:40

Interstate 404 
Level 50
Posts 1 - 7 of 7