Poles are not innocent, either.
"The Poles mercilessly persecuted Czechs, terrorized by layoffs, threw out of homes, confiscated property. All the Czech things were destroyed. Czech language and even greetings were banned.. Welcoming "Nazdar" was fined for four zloty, and so the Czechs began to greet each other with the words "Four zlotys!. Czech names were delated even from the graves. Mass grave of soldiers was excavated and the remains were thrown away. Czechs were beaten in the streets. As a result, 30,000 of Czechs...ran away from the Cieszyn area."
Bangladesh - 18
Brazil - 22
China - 22
DRC - 15 (-)
Egypt - 29
Germany - 7 (+)
India - 24
Indonesia - 20
Iran - 17
Japan - 56
Nigeria - 21
Mexico - 22
Pakistan - 21
Philippines - 21
Russia - 21
Thailand - 29
Turkey - 20
Vietnam - 13
19th: Ethiopia
20th: USA