It's already possible to use stock Wunderwaffe to outpick and/or outplay most players much of the time in certain games.
That it might not yet beat top tier players is rather small consolation to the rest of us, lol
My mobile phone currently stores a game that I should really get back to, but I havent because I'm stuck, lol
I'm not the best player, but I've beaten quite a few top tier and second tier clanners in RT QM and RT CW games. Venus Map, Custom 1v1 Pure Skill template, created by Sapin, (props),
with Wunderwaffe as the AI, (props to Norman)
(granted, many of these wins against humans were because the humans didn't bother to notice who they were playing against...
WW vs. DW at least 3-0... LMAO)
Small Venus
Created by Sapin (all)
State: Public
AI: Wunderwaffe
Went public on 10/24/2023
Number of attempts: 2,289
Number of wins: 620
Number of likes: 48
Record holder: Lepanto31 [Warzone Member] in 5 turns on 10/27/2023
You like this!
Your attempts: 360
Your wins: 256
Your fastest win: 6 turns
That's 104 personal losses, at least 99 of which I knew who I was playing...
and probably 94 of which I knew and understood the basics of how to beat Norman's bastard. LMAO