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Q: What is better with the Standalone Client?: 2024-03-24 00:34:55

Dublin Warrior 
Level 57
(I still answer to Dublin, Dublin Warrior, Dubs, etc.)

Hello, I have a question about the Standalone Client for Warzone:

So my understanding is that the Standalone Client is basically Warzone if I had bought it as a PC game...

it installs on my computer, takes up hard drive and memory space there, maybe it downloads all the maps, etc.
I can see the advantages of the Standalone Client over the WZ App for big, complex games.

I'm wondering if the Standalone Client has additional advantages over the Web Client, and if so, details. :)

Thank you all in advance for any help that you can provide. :)
Q: What is better with the Standalone Client?: 2024-03-24 00:38:46

Level 63
Its basically the mobile app, but running on pc hardware. So for you the main advantage will be in speed when loading big wz game or when playing idle.

Its pretty much a requirment for mod making, and the only way to design 3D maps. But as far as i know, you do neither.
Q: What is better with the Standalone Client?: 2024-03-24 01:00:45

Dublin Warrior 
Level 57
Oooh. :)

That makes a ton of sense, and probably close to a requirement for creating even 2D giant maps... like 3k stuff?

Indeed, I have ideas for mods, but that's as close as I get there. :)

So the advantage over the browser/web client is some speed?
That makes sense, as the browser always uses it's own resources.
Q: What is better with the Standalone Client?: 2024-03-24 03:10:33

Level 63
Only reasons for using standalone are speed, making 3D maps and making mods.

App/standalone always open games instantly, but website always takes a long time every time you visit "ujs" page. Everything relating to UI on app/standalone is also instant, but on browser it’s really slow.

There are disadvantages of using the standalone. Userscripts can only run on the website. So if you wanted to make new hotkeys for yourself, you could on website by not on standalone.

Edited 3/24/2024 03:11:03
Q: What is better with the Standalone Client?: 2024-03-24 03:15:10

Dublin Warrior 
Level 57
I think my desktop firefox browser runs faster than my mobile app, but perhaps that's my phone?
Q: What is better with the Standalone Client?: 2024-03-24 17:09:30

Level 63
Yeah probably, in my experience its standalone > mobile app > browser in terms of speed.

But it should be noted that the difference between browser and mobile app is only noticeable when playing idle, and not for normal games.

Standalone beats it all in terms of speed tho.

Also RE Dan's point about userscripts, browsers also have the ability to open links in a new page, so for anything forum/mail related you want to avoid the apps as much as possible. The apps are also limited in which characters they can display (e.g. most exotic characters and 95% of emojis dont work), and the standalone even has limits on what characters can even be typed...

So because of that I usually stick to web as much as possible, and only use standalone when I need its speed advantage.
Q: What is better with the Standalone Client?: 2024-03-24 17:20:20

Dublin Warrior 
Level 57
Thank you, JK
For reference, my smartphone is from 2016 😅
(It does well enough, but needs an upgrade for sure.)
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